Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Abyss Lake
Level 80 - 130
RO AbyssLake
The teleporting column near the lake.
Race Norman
Affiliation none
Location Southwest of Hugel
Technical Name(s) hu_fild05, abyss_01, abyss_02, abyss_03

Abyss Lake is a deep lake that lies southwest of the small town of Hugel. Dangerous monsters reside around the lake as well as within the island in the midst of the lake itself.[1]

In order to be teleported to the island in the middle of the lake, adventurers must bring the following items to insert into the magical column:


Sourced from kRO Dungeon Maps


  1. kRO Website 2016 Jun. 12


  • Patch (2019 Oct. 30)
    • Abyss Lake 4F - Destroy Normal Monster Equipment, Remove Acid Terror
  • Patch (2019 Aug. 07)
    • 3 new dungeons and new items will be added.
  • Patch (2007 Jan. 03)
    • Newly added background music for some floors of Thanatos Tower (3rd to 12th floors), Abyss Field, and Odin's Shrine.
  • Patch (2006 Dec. 05)
    • The background music of the following maps will be changed:
      • Abyss Lake: hu_fild05
      • Abyss Lake Underground Caves: abyss_01, abyss_02, abyss_03
      • Kiel Hyre Quest maps: kh_mansion, kh_school, kh_vila
  • Episode 10.3 (2005 Oct. 05)
    • Added Thanatos Tower and Abyss Lake.