Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
RO BlacksmithSymbol Blacksmith
Character Blacksmith
Blacksmith concept art for RO.
Job Tier 2nd Class (RO)
Life Job (RO2)
Job Base Merchant (RO)
none (RO2)
RO Job Bonuses
+6 +3 +6 +2 +12 +2
RO2 Job Bonuses
none none none none none

Blacksmiths are the forerunners of Blacksmithing, the art of forging metal into strong and sturdy armor and gear for adventurers.


Blacksmith is one that seeks ores to refine and make weapons with, a profession that trusts in painstaking effort. Rune-Midgarts' lord Tristan III declares the adventure recruitment announcement and the Blacksmith, believing his weapon will help him, fights to increase his reputation in the world of adventure and begins to collect materials and make weapons. Because of the meticulousness of forging weapons, all weapons are treated as a failure to break the scrap metal. Such thoroughness may build up the trust of the Blacksmith and may have saved his life so far.[1]

Job Change Quest[]

See Blacksmith Job Change

Notable Blacksmiths[]


Both Normans and Noels are able to become Blacksmiths by trade.


Blacksmiths can only equip gear designated as:

  • Blacksmith Classes Only
  • 2nd Class Only
  • All Classes


Blacksmiths can utilize the following weapons:


Ragnarok Online[]

Tree Skills Forging Skills Quest Skills
RO HiltBinding Hilt Binding RO IronTempering Iron Tempering RO UnfairTrick Unfair Trick
RO SkinTempering Skin Tempering RO SteelTempering Steel Tempering RO Greed Greed
RO OverThrust Over Thrust RO OreDiscovery Ore Discovery
RO HammerFall Hammer Fall RO OrideconResearch Oridecon Research
RO AdrenalineRush Adrenaline Rush RO WeaponryResearch Weaponry Research
RO WeaponPerfection Weapon Perfection RO SmithAxe Smith Axe
RO MaximizePower Maximize Power RO SmithDagger Smith Dagger
RO SmithBrassKnuckle Smith Brass Knuckle
RO SmithSpear Smith Spear
RO SmithSword Smith Sword
RO SmithTwoHandedSword Smith Two-Handed Sword
RO SmithMace Smith Mace
RO EnchantedStoneCraft Enchanted Stone Craft
RO RepairWeapon Repair Weapon

Ragnarok Online II[]

Although the Blacksmith is not a battle job in RO2, they do have access to special skills through their guardian, Vulcan.

Ragnarok DS[]

DS WeaponProduction Weapon Production DS HiltBinding Hilt Binding
DS WeaponResearch Weapon Research DS SkinTempering Skin Tempering
DS HammerFall Hammer Fall DS AdrenalineRush Adrenaline Rush
DS OverThrust Over Thrust DS MaximizePower Maximize Power
DS UnfairSkill Unfair Skill DS FullAdrenalineRush Full Adrenaline Rush
DS AncientBlow Ancient Blow* DS Magnitude Magnitude*

(*) Final Skill. To obtain these skill, complete the "Glittering Stone" quest.

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Blacksmiths can go on to become a Mechanic or transcend to a Whitesmith.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Merchant Blacksmith Mechanic Meister Whitesmith

Ragnarok Online II[]

RO2 Blacksmith

Blacksmith concept art for RO2.

In RO2, Blacksmiths are not Battle Jobs but Life Jobs. As a profession, all players can become Blacksmiths regardless of job class.


In RO2, Blacksmiths can harvest from the following material sources:

  • Field minerals


In RO2, Blacksmiths can craft the following kind of items:


  • A blacksmith is a person who creates objects from wrought iron or steel by forging the metal; that is, by using tools to hammer, bend, and cut (compare to whitesmith).[2]



  1. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  2. Wikipedia 2013 Mar.


  • Patch (2002 Sept. 25)
    • If Blacksmith does not move maps or reconnect after manufacturing a weapon, an issue where it appears as if a normal weapon has a socket has been corrected and displayed normally.