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Character Enchanter

Enchanter concept art for RO2: The Gate of the World.

Enchanters don't trust what they see with their eyes. That's because Enchanters believe that faith can alter one's surroundings, and they have the power to do just that. An Enchanter's powers to support others through faith isn't something that can be understood at a mere glance or with superficial knowledge. Of course, life may be short, but that won't stop aspiring Enchanters with a desire to learn. To become an effective Enchanter, one needs to have patience, self-esteem, and mental strength that surpasses physical force.[1]


Normans are the only race that can become Enchanters.


Enchanters can only use armor designated as:

  • Enchanter Only
  • All Job Classes


Enchanters are only able to use the following weapons:


RO2 SwordStickMastery Sword Stick Mastery RO2 MentalTraining Mental Training
RO2 Meditation(GOTW) Meditation RO2 MentalPower Mental Power
RO2 DangerDetection Danger Detection RO2 SoulResistance Soul Resistance
RO2 Memorize(GOTW) Memorize RO2 Heal(GOTW) Heal
RO2 Recovery(GOTW) Recovery RO2 SoulPurification Soul Purification
RO2 ImpositioManus(GOTW) Impositio Manus RO2 Angelus(GOTW) Angelus
RO2 FireResistance Fire Resistance RO2 IceResistance Ice Resistance
RO2 LightningResistance Lightning Resistance RO2 FireBolt(GOTW) Fire Bolt
RO2 IceArrow Ice Arrow RO2 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
RO2 FireBreath Fire Breath RO2 ElectricDischarge Electric Discharge
RO2 CallPuppet Call Puppet RO2 ShadowStrike(GOTW) Shadow Strike
RO2 SwordStickStance Sword Stick Stance RO2 ForcefulBlow Forceful Blow
RO2 LightStrike Light Strike RO2 IceSword Ice Sword
RO2 BloodDrain Blood Drain


  1. kRO2 GOTW Website 2017 Oct. 26