Ragnarok Wiki
Fly Wing
The item's info window.
Type Spell Item
Effects Teleports the user to another random spot on the map.
Weight 5
Source Tool Dealers, Gangster, Punk, Anopheles, Quve, Dragon Tail, Chonchon, Familiar
Cost to buy 60 Zeny
Cost to sell 30 Zeny

An enchanted fly's wing that instantly sends its user to a random spot when waved in the air.

See Also[]

External Links[]


  • Patch (2012 Aug. 01)
    • Changed level 1~50 monster drops to include Fly Wings in the drop table.
  • Patch (2004 Jun. 15)
    • When attacked by a monster while using Fly Wing, the 5-second invulnerability rule does not apply if teleported to a cell similar to the initial cell.
  • Patch (2002 Sept. 25)
    • The issue of bouncing when using Fly Wings or entering a Warp Portal while casting Magician skill [Sight] or Acolyte skill [Ruwach] has been corrected.