A high-quality preview video of the upcoming game can be seen at its official site: http://ro.xd.com/
For those who can't load the site, here's an upload of the video that was showcased at ChinaJoy in Shanghai, China. Despite almost all of the promotional material being from RO2, the game itself is based on RO. So it's rather confusing for RO players expecting an RO experience but seeing advertisements with RO2 properties.
The showcase itself was pretty elaborate as Dream Square's booth had promotional discs, books, and even statues of Baphomet and Angeling. It's unknown why they chose to use RO2 material for advertisement when the game is based on RO. Perhaps they're trying to gear up for cRO2's launch as well and figured they could advertise both at once?
Resident Lorekeeper of Ragnarök