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Forums: Ragnarök Wiki Forums > The Archives > Niflheim to be Next Explorable Realm in RO2

ZeroTigress [Lorekeeper] 23:39, 27 November 2016 (UTC)
RO2 ThaiServerSchedule
According to an article from the thRO2 server, Niflheim will be the next Norse realm for RO2 players to explore. Since it was announced that iRO2 will be receiving the guild housing update this month, iRO2 may be following the same update schedule as thRO2.

Based on thRO2's update schedule, it appears that players will make their way to Niflheim from Morroc via possibly an area known as Surt's Heart and a Tower of Babel. It is unsure at this point if Geffen, Aldebaran, and Comodo are slated for future updates since it doesn't seem like they're part of the current Rune-Midgarts in RO2's timeline. Schwarzwald and Arunafeltz also seem nonexistent at this point in Ragnarok history.

Resident Lorekeeper of Ragnarök