Frozen (Korean: 동빙) is a negative status ailment that has the following effects on afflicted targets:
- Reduces Hard-DEF by 50%
- Reduces monsters' Soft-DEF is reduced by 50%
- Set FLEE to 0
- Increases your Hard-MDEF by 25%
- Ignores Steal, Lux Aeterna, Storm Gust, Snow Flake Draft
- Can not attack, move, use most items or use most skills
- Armour attribute becomes "Water 1" (175% damage from Wind based attacks, 25% damage from Water, 90% damage from Fire)
The following abilities inflict Frozen:
Frozen can be cured through the following methods:
- Getting hit
- Priest's Status Recovery
- Archbishop's Lauda Agnus
- Sage's Dispel
- Professor's Mind Breaker
- Sorcerer's Warmer
- Swordsman's Provoke
- Royal Guard's King's Grace
- Rune Knight's Nosiege Runestone
- Summoner's Grooming, Purring
- Mercenary's skill Tender
- Having high hard MDEF and LUK will reduce amount of time this ailment affects you, as well as chance of being affected.
- One of Paladin's Battle Chant's random effects removes all abnormal status effects from party members, including Frozen. However it can't remove the frozen status from the Paladin itself since it can't cast any skill as long as he/she is frozen.
The following lists ways that Frozen can be prevented:
- Marc Card
- One of Paladin's Battle Chant's random effects grants 60 seconds of immunity to all status effects to party members, including Frozen status.