Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Glastheim Chivalry
Level 70 - 130
RO GlastheimChivalry
Race Norman
Affiliation Rune-Midgarts
Location Glastheim
Technical Name(s) gl_knt01, gl_knt02

The Glastheim Chivalry was the headquarters of the Glast Heim knights back when Glastheim was still the capital of Rune-Midgarts. Nothing remains other than the vengeful undead knights.


Sourced from iRO Dungeon Maps


  • RO-minilogo Renewal Update (2009 Jun. 17)
    • Glastheim Chivalry was modified to a 70 - 130 zone to fit with the new level cap of 150. This area was originally a level 40 - 80 zone.
  • Patch (2002 Nov. 26)
    • Knights Chivalry 1: Areas that can be skipped will be fixed.