Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Glastheim Culverts
Level 100 - 110
RO GlastheimCulverts
The decaying culverts beneath Glastheim.
Race Norman
Affiliation Rune-Midgarts
Location Underneath Glastheim
Technical Name(s) gl_sew01, gl_sew02, gl_sew03, gl_sew04, gl_dun01, gl_dun02

The Glastheim Culverts is the underground water transport system for the city of Glastheim when it was still the capitol of Rune-Midgarts. It has since been overrun by rodents, insects, and the vengeful spirits of Glastheim.

On the second floor of the culverts, there is a canal large enough to accommodate a few ships, possibly to aid the transport of goods to and from the Glastheim Castle. Whatever ships are left now sit rotting in the water.

Beneath the culverts themselves is a network of cave tunnels, most likely formed by the dripping water from the culverts.


Sourced from iRO Dungeon Maps


  • RO-minilogo Renewal Update (2009 Jun. 17)
    • Glastheim Culverts was modified to a 100 - 110 zone to fit with the new level cap of 150. This area was originally a level 50 - 60 zone.
  • Patch (2002 Dec. 24)
    • Some cells in the Glastheim underground waterway have been modified.
  • Patch (2002 Dec. 03)
    • [Glastheim Underground Waterway 2nd Floor] Cell and location correction bug patch.
    • [Glastheim Underground Waterway 3rd Floor] Patch for problem areas where leveling up was possible through some arrow cells
    • [Glastheim Underground Waterway 3rd Floor] Remove the object to fix the problem caused by traps placed on the map.