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Glistening Coat Production Manual
The item's info window.
Type Readable Book
Effects Allows the crafting of Glistening Coat with Pharmacy skill.
Weight 1
Source Alchemist Union HQ
Cost to buy 100,000 Zeny
Cost to sell 50,000 Zeny

A book with instructions for creating Glistening Coats.

On iRO, this item is localized as Glistening Coat Creation Guide.

In-Game Text[]

Intermediate Alchemy: Glistening Coat


The Magician's Energy Coat skill that generates a mana film that protects the caster inspired Alchemists to develop the Glistening Coat. The Glistening Coat can be used in conjunction with protective Alchemist skills enhances protection that won't be affected by most external factors. However, these artificial coats automatically lose their effectiveness after a certain amount of time.


What is a Glistening Coat?

A glistening coat is a soft, viscous substance that can safely coat objects to temporarily increase their resistance to damage. Only highly skilled Alchemists are capable of applying the Glistening Coat by using the Chemical Protection Helm, Shield, Armor, or Weapon skills.

Required Materials: 1 Alcohol, 1 Zenorc's Fang, 1 Heart of Mermaid, 1 Empty Bottle

Process: Fill a medicine bowl halfway with alcohol, and then melt a Zenorc's Fang in it. Wash a heart of mermaid, and add it to the Zenorc fang and alcohol mixture. Finally, use the Pharmacy skill to pour the solution into an empty bottle. You will need to learn special skills such as Chemical Protection Helm, Chemical Protection Shield, Chemical Protection Armor, and Chemical Protection Weapon to actually apply the Glistening Coat to equipment.

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