Guilds are organizations made up of many adventurers. Every guild is controlled by a single guildleader, who determines how spoils are shared amongst the guildmembers. Adventurers will transfer to many guilds over the course of their journey.
Guild names are denoted in brackets next to a character's name if it's in a guild.
Lore Guilds[]
Most battle jobs have their own guilds which distinguishes the role they play within the world of Ragnarök. Some lore guilds are more detailed than others in regards to their history and role in the game's many storylines.
- Great Novice Society
- Swordsman Association
- Order of the Knights
- Thief Guild
- Assassins Guild
- Rogue Guild
- Church of Odin (Acolyte, Priest, Monk, and Crusader)
- Archer Association
- Hunter Guild
Player-Made Guilds[]
Ragnarok Online[]
In order to create a guild in Ragnarok Online, the future guildleader must obtain an item called an Emperium. (When you use an Emperium to create a guild, you will not be able to get one back if you decide to disband the guild.)
If you have obtained an Emperium and have it on the character you want to make the guild on, create a guild by typing:
/guild "guild name"
The character you made the guild on is now the guildleader. Once you have made a guild, the name and who leads it cannot be changed. (Unless there's something that goes against the TOS, in which case Gravity may either change the name and ask you to come up with a new one or disband it.)
Once created, the guildleader can start inviting people into the guild and gain access to guild-exclusive skills. Only player-made guilds can participate in War of Emperium.
- Guild Levels - A guild has a maximum level of 50. In order to level up a guild, the guildleader must tax the EXP earnings of its guildmembers.
- Guild Membership - When newly created, the guildleader can only add a maximum of 16 members. This limit can be increased to 56 members by leveling up the appropriate guild skill.
To invite a player into your guild, you must first have invitation rights from the guildleader (or be a guildleader yourself). Once you gain invitation rights, you can right-click the player and choose Invite <name> into guild. Alternatively, you can also use a text command to invite a player into the guild:
/ginvite "character name"
Guilds in RO are able to form Alliances with each other. Players in allied guilds would be treated as if they are part of the same guild. In contrast, guilds can become official rivals by adding them as Antagonists. Antagonistic guilds can attack each other outside of PVP and WoE. Currently, guildleaders cannot add guilds to their Antagonist list because the feature does not work.
Members of the same guild who are logged on can see where guildmembers are on the world map (Ctrl + ~). Guildmembers are denoted by the pink triangles on the world map.
Ragnarok Online II[]
To create a guild in Ragnarok Online II, the future guildleader must be at least Base Level 10 and pay a fee of 20 Zeny to a Guild Manager.
- RO2 GuildButton.png
The Guild button in RO2.
Overall, guilds in RO2 work similarly to those in RO in that they are leveled up by having guildmembers donate EXP earnings. The most significant difference between a RO guild and a RO2 guild is that RO2 guilds have the ability to transfer guild leadership to other members of a guild if the current guildleader decides to step down. (Unlike RO where guilds have to be disbanded and remade in order to transfer leadership.)
Guilds in both RO and RO2 have special skills that can only be activated by the guildleader. These skills help to support the guild on and off the battlefield.
Ragnarok Online[]
Ragnarok Online II[]
Disbanding a Guild[]
In RO, guildleaders must kick all guildmembers and then type /breakguild "guild name" in the chatbox.
In RO2, guildleaders must also kick all guildmembers in addition to emptying out the Guild Warehouse. Once done, the guildleader must then talk to a Guild Manager to disband the guild.
- A real-life guild is an association of artisans who control the practice of their craft in a particular town.[1]
See Also[]
Ragnarok Online
- Patch (2019 Dec. 18)
- Ajit investment is ended, the guild dungeon 1st floor, 2nd floor, Abyssal Corridor is changed to be available at all times.
- Fixed an issue where the emblem edit window would not exit when the guild window was closed with the ESC shortcut.
- Patch (2019 Jul. 31)
- "Guards" feature is added to the guild info window.
- Patch (2019 Jul. 03)
- In 1:1 conversation with the same guild member, the phenomenon that the guildmember is not displayed in some situations is fixed.
- Patch (2019 Jun. 19)
- Animation function is added to guild emblems.
- Guild Emblem Guide NPC is added to the monster in Prontera.
- Patch (2019 Feb. 13)
- 3 new guild skills will be added.
- Existing guild skills will be improved.
- You will be able to register guild skills in the hotkey bar.
- In the guild information window, the tendency and guild points will be deleted.
- Patch (2018 Dec. 19)
- The emblem is modified to be below the other UI.
- Patch (2018 Jun. 20)
- Added an option to check emblems more easily.
- This is for if you do not register an emblem or if it is difficult to check the emblem because most of the emblem is transparent.
- The emblem frame option is added to the game settings to make checking easier. You can also do this by typing (/frame) in the chat window.
- Added an option to check emblems more easily.
- Patch (2018 May 16)
- Reduced the frequency of error messages that occur when trying to level up the guild while both the guild and the taxed character are maxed out.
- Patch (2018 Apr. 18)
- Guild EXP taxing is changed so when the maximum limit is reach, taxation is deactivated.
- When the guild level is at the maximum level, the guild no longer accumulates EXP from its members.
- If an individual member's EXP is maxed out, the tax option for that member will be disabled.
- When moving to different maps, an announcement will be displayed to notify guild members that the guild can no longer accumulate EXP.
- Guild EXP taxing is changed so when the maximum limit is reach, taxation is deactivated.
- Patch (2018 Feb. 07)
- Changed guild announcements to consolidate space.
- Patch (2017 Nov. 15)
- Fixed an issue if the guild name is made up of bad words, some filtering is not applied.
- Patch (2016 Dec. 21)
- Fixed the problem that the final login date of guild members is not updated.
- Patch (2016 Dec. 14)
- Guild-related systems are added.
- If the guildleader does not log in for a long time, the system will automatically delegate a new guildleader.
- The UI is modified so that the guildmember's logout time is displayed.
- Guild-related systems are added.
- Patch (2016 Oct. 19)
- Guild UI is added to the guild master change function.
- In WoE, guilds will now display Guild Emblems during "Hiding" and "Cloaking".
- Patch (2016 Jul. 27)
- The perpetrator filter is applied to the party and guild system.
- Patch (2016 Jun. 15)
- Fixed an issue where Guild UI showed incorrect gender information regarding Taekwon classes.
- Patch (2016 Mar. 30)
- Added an 'ON/OFF' command in the Guild UI to sort online/offline members.
- Patch (2015 Sept. 02)
- In Guild UI, character names that contain specific characters are not sorted.
- Patch (2015 Aug. 26)
- The guild window interface has been revamped to include the date the member joined the guild and the last time they logged on. The ability to send private messages or RODEX messages to users on the list via right click context menu was also added. Some obsolete information has been removed from the interface to make room for the new stuff.
- Patch (2014 Oct. 15)
- Guilds can no longer be created inside WoE maps.
- Guild Warehouse Update (2014 Feb. 05)
- You can now give your guildmembers access to guild storage by checking the box just like how you give them power to invite/punish; also added Item Log.
- RO Patch (2012 Mar. 07)
- Text-based command to invite people to guild.
- Patch (2012 Feb. 08)
- Guilds are no longer allowed to use spaces in their names (existing guild names are unchanged).
- Patch (2012 Jan. 18)
- Implemented Guild Tip User Interface.
Episode 11.1 (2006 Jul. 11)
- The guild name limitation is changed so that the space (" ") character or special character (" ") can not be used before or after the guild name.
- Patch (2005 Jul. 05)
- Joining/withdrawing/expelling from the guild is now prohibited during WoE.
- Patch (2004 Nov. 16)
- Fixed a problem with the duration of some guild skills.
- Changed how the number of members of the guild is displayed in the information window.
- Number of current members / Maximum number of members allowed ON: Number of members logged in
- Patch (2004 Jun. 29)
- Guilds now have the ability to assign kicking rights to guildmembers.
- Patch (2004 Mar. 16)
- Guildmember information has been modified to sort according to the guild's title ranks.
Ragnarok Online II
- iRO2 Patch (2014 Sept. 16)
- There is now a 1-hour cooldown to join another guild after leaving a guild.