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Guillotine Cross
Character GuillotineCross
Guillotine Cross concept art for RO.
Job Tier 3rd Class
Job Base Assassin, Assassin Cross
RO Job Bonuses
+8 +9 +6 +5 +7 +2
RO2 Job Bonuses
none none none none none

The Guillotine Cross strike fear into their enemies with their new incapacitating poisons, their improved evasion, and their skill at hiding from view. This class specializes in tricks and strategic diversion to throw their foes off-balance. Skills include weapon blocking and counterattacks: Rolling Cutter, which attacks all surrounding enemies; and Cross Ripper Slasher, a derivative of Rolling Cutter that can be used to attack distant enemies.[1][2]


It is known that the Guillotine Crosses were once a group of secret executioners in the Assassins Guild. Formed to maintain order in the guild and safeguard its secrets, they quickly and secretly execute traitors, deserters, and other members that were guilty of serious transgressions against the guild's rules. But the question is: why did this mysterious group resurface from out of the shadows?

No one knows for sure, but some speculate that they lost their home since most of the Assassins Guild branches were destroyed by Surt. It is also possible that the Assassins Guild has suffered from internal disputes and has now fragmented into factions that are warring against each other. Another angle is the emergence of the Guillotine Crosses also relates to the Rune Knights.

When the Rune Knights returned from the New World, they brought their new runic magic with them. That incredible power signified a force that all Assassins pursue. The elders of the Assassins Guild went after the Rune Knights, coveting their Rune Stones that would resurrect the old glory of the Assassins Guild and help to achieve new and even greater power. The Rune Knights, however, wouldn't give up the precious stones and the secrets of their skills without a fight.

The dispute eventually led to the continental war in which countless lives were lost. Both the Rune Knights and the Assassins were willing to fight to the death to uphold the ideals of their organizations. The Guillotine Crosses were forced to completely reveal themselves during this war in order to ensure the survival of the Assassins Guild. They are now as infamous as the Assassin Crosses that represent the Assassins Guild.[3]

Job Change Quest[]

See Guillotine Cross Job Change

Notable Guillotine Crosses[]


Only Normans can become Guillotine Crosses.


Character GuillotineCross2

jRO redesign of Guillotine Cross.

Guillotine Crosses can equip gear designated as:

  • Guillotine Cross Class Only
  • 3rd Class Only
  • All Classes


Guillotine Crosses can dual-wield (equip a weapon in each hand) and utilize the following weapons:


RO ResearchNewPoison Research New Poison RO VenomImpression Venom Impression
RO PoisoningWeapon Poisoning Weapon RO CrossRipperSlasher Cross Ripper Slasher
RO PhantomMenace Phantom Menace RO CrossImpact Cross Impact
RO CounterSlash Counter Slash RO DarkIllusion Dark Illusion
RO WeaponCrush Weapon Crush RO VenomPressure Venom Pressure
RO WeaponBlocking Weapon Blocking RO PoisonSmoke Poison Smoke
RO RollingCutter Rolling Cutter RO Antidote Antidote
RO CreateNewPoison Create New Poison RO HallucinationWalk Hallucination Walk
RO CloakingExceed Cloaking Exceed RO DarkClaw Dark Claw
RO FullThrottle Full Throttle

Advanced Jobs[]

Guillotine Crosses can move on to become Shadow Crosses.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Thief Assassin Guillotine Cross Shadow Cross Assassin Cross



  1. IRO Website 2010 Oct. 07
  2. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  3. IRO Website 2010 Oct. 07

