Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Character Hunter
Hunter concept art for RO.
Job Tier 2nd Class (RO)
2nd Class (RO2)
Job Base Archer
RO Job Bonuses
+4 +6 +2 +4 +10 +4
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Hunters are long-range combatants who utilize falcons and wolves to take down their adversaries.

Despite having a wolf in the original Hunter concept art, wolf pets were never implemented for the Hunter. They were finally implemented for the 3rd Class Ranger that the Hunter can progress to.


The Hunter, who spent a leisurely time hunting in the woods, travels to the world of adventure after answering the call by Tristan III, Lord of Rune-Midgarts, for the recruitment of adventurers. Equipped with the ability to freely manipulate the bow, Hunters are able to hit moving targets even with eyes closed. By installing traps that generate various effects, Hunters possess the ability to interfere with the enemy's tactics and make a mess of their operations. Aimed shooting provides ranged support, but the Hunter also has the talent to attack enemies using their own falcon, which they became familiar with during their time in the forest. The falcon is able to attack enemies with great sharpness. It is a profession that has the excellent ability to cope with all weather conditions under any circumstances.[1]

Job Change Quest[]

See Hunter Job Change

Notable Hunters[]


Normans are able to become Hunters.


Hunters can only equip gear designated as:

  • Hunter Class Only
  • 2nd Class Only
  • All Classes


Hunters can utilize the following weapons:


Tree Skills Quest Skills
RO BeastBane Beast Bane RO PhantasmicArrow Phantasmic Arrow
RO FalconryMastery Falconry Mastery
RO SteelCrow Steel Crow
RO BlitzBeat Blitz Beat
RO SpringTrap Spring Trap
RO Detect Detect
RO RemoveTrap Remove Trap
RO ClaymoreTrap Claymore Trap
RO BlastMine Blast Mine
RO FreezingTrap Freezing Trap
RO LandMine Land Mine
RO AnkleSnare Ankle Snare
RO Flasher Flasher
RO Sandman Sandman
RO ShockwaveTrap Shockwave Trap
RO SkidTrap Skid Trap
RO TalkieBox Talkie Box

Ragnarok DS[]

DS BeastBane Beast Bane DS LandMine Land Mine
DS AnkleSnare Ankle Snare DS Flasher Flasher
DS Sandman Sandman DS FreezingTrap Freezing Trap
DS BlastMine Blast Mine DS ClaymoreTrap Claymore Trap
DS RemoveTrap Remove Trap DS PhantasmicArrow Phantasmic Arrow
DS BlitzBeat Blitz Beat DS Detecting Detecting
DS SpringTrap Spring Trap DS MachineGunArrow Machine Gun Arrow*
DS FalconArrow Falcon Arrow*

(*) Final Skill. To obtain these skills, complete the "Wandering Wolf" quest.

Advanced Jobs[]

Hunters can go on to become a Ranger or transcend to Sniper.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Archer Hunter Ranger Wind Hawk Sniper

Exclusive Pets[]

Hunters are one of the only 2 job classes to have combat pets (pets that fight). Hunters only have falcons to help them and gain access to the warg later.

Pet Available for
RO Falcon1Falcon The icon that pops up when renting a falcon. Hunter
RO Falcon2Swift Falcon The icon that pops up when renting a falcon. Sniper
RO WargWarg Ranger

^In addition to being a pet, the Warg can be used as a combat mount.



  1. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04