Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Juperos Ruins
Level 115 - 130
RO JuperosRuins
The entrance to the ruins.
Race Norman
Affiliation Schwarzwald Republic
Location Southeast of Juno
Technical Name(s) yuno_fild07, juperos_01, juperos_02, jupe_core

Juperos Ruins was once a city of an ancient civilization that has since been buried underground. Scholars speculate that it may have been similar to Juno in the past.

The entrance to the ruins can be found in the midst of the Elmes gorge, located southeast of Juno.

See Also[]


  • Patch (2013 Feb. 15)
    • Fixed minimap errors in the Juperos dungeon (juperos_01, 02).
  • RO-minilogo Renewal Update (2009 Jun. 17)
    • Juperos Ruins was modified to a 115 - 130 zone to fit with the new level cap of 150. This area was originally a level 70 - 99 zone.
  • RO-minilogoEpisode 10.2 (2005 Jun. 28)
    • Ancient science dungeon "Juperos" is added to Juno. Dungeon is a bit different from existing dungeons, so please have a party when accessing.