Ragnarok Wiki
Kafra Corporation
RO KafraHQ
Kafra Corp. HQ
Type Corporation
Affiliation Rune-Midgarts
Base of Operations Aldebaran
Notable Members Pavianne, Blossom, Jasmine, Roxie, Leilah, Curly Sue, Selphy, Serna
First Appearance Episode 1 (Ragnarok Online)
Episode 1 (Ragnarok Online II)

The Kafra Corporation is a company that provides transportation services as well as cart rental and item storage services to adventurers in the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. Their headquarters is located in the city-state of Aldebaran.

When an adventurer utilizes a Kafra service, he/she can accrue Kafra Reward Points, which can be redeemed for prizes at the Kafra Corp. headquarters. In recent years, the Kafra Corp. has teamed up with Zonda Corp. to enact Dungeon Teleport Elections in each major city-state in Rune-Midgarts. Depending upon which company wins, teleportation services will be provided to certain dungeons.


It is unknown when the Kafra Corporation was founded.


RO KafraHQ2

The Kafra Corp.'s secondary HQ in Comodo.

The employees of the Kafra Corporation typically offer storage services as well as teleportation services. Some, not all, Kafra employees will rent out carts to Merchant class customers.

In 300 years' time, they will eventually offer flight transportation.

  • Short-Range Flights - Takes adventurers from region to region.
  • Long-Range Flights - Takes adventurers from city to city.


Kafra Corp. employees can be found in each city-state in the kingdom of Rune-Midgarts. Although the uniform mainly consists of a headband, a brown dress, and a white apron, there are employees with different uniforms depending on the location they're stationed in. Thus far, all Kafra Corp. employees have been women.

Ragnarok Online[]

Regular Employees

Special Employees

unknown Niflheim Kafra Caprese Alty Lyrith
RO Kafra(Niflheim)
RO Kafra10
RO Kafra8
RO Kafra9
RO Kafra10
RO Kafra8
RO Kafra9
RO Kafra10(SD)
RO Kafra8(SD)
RO Kafra9(SD)

Ragnarok Online II[]

Regular Employees

Flight Service Employees


See Also[]


  • Patch (2017 Apr. 05)
    • Teleport areas will be added to the Kafra Teleport Service.
  • Patch (2014 Feb. 19)
    • Kafra services will be added to the village of Lutie.
  • RO-minilogo Episode 11.1 (2006 Jul. 11)
    • Eligibility for the voting system is relaxed. Please participate more.
      • Original: Must finish quest for the Schwarzwald President
      • Change: Base level 60 or higher
  • RO-minilogo Episode 10.3 (2005 Sept. 27)
    • Voting NPCs appear in Prontera and Juno. Thank you for your participation in the commercial voting.
  • Patch (2005 May 24)
    • Modified Kafra options at the Aldebaran headquarters to include storage access.
  • Patch (2004 Feb. 24)
    • The Kafra warp system and destinations that we have been testing on Sakray Server will be updated on this server. Please refer to below for the area and price list for each village.
##### Changed Kafra Warp Service #####

-> Izlude: 600z
-> Geffen: 1200z
-> Morocc: 1200z
-> Payon: 1200z
-> Alberta: 1800z
-> Orc Dungeon: 1700z

-> Geffen: 1200z
-> Morocc: 1200z
-> Payon: 1200z
-> Aldebaran: 1800z

-> Prontera: 1200z
-> Aldebaran: 1200z
-> Orc Dungeon: 1700z
-> Abandoned Mine Dungeon: 1700z

-> Prontera: 1200z
-> Alberta: 1200z
-> Morocc: 1200z

-> Prontera: 1200z
-> Payon: 1200z
-> Alberta: 1800z
-> Paros Lighthouse: 1200z
-> Comodo: 1800z

-> Payon: 1200z
-> Morocc: 1800z
-> Prontera: 1800z

-> Geffen: 1200z
-> Juno: 1200z
-> Izlude: 1800z
-> Abandoned Mine Dungeon: 1700z

-> Paros Lighthouse: 1200z
-> Morocc: 1800z

Paros Lighthouse
-> Comodo: 1200z
-> Morocc: 1200z

-> Aldebaran: 1200z

Juno (unaffiliated public relations employee)
-> Prontera: 1800z
-> Izlude: 1800z
-> Geffen: 1800z
-> Morocc: 1800z
-> Payon: 1800z
-> Alberta: 1800z
-> Comodo: 1800z
