Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Character Knight
Knight concept art for RO.
Job Tier 2nd Class
Job Base Swordsman
RO Job Bonuses
+8 +2 +10 none +6 +4
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Knights are more geared towards sword and spear techniques and are trained to endure larger amounts of damage. They mainly serve the king of Rune-Midgarts and are the first line of defense for the kingdom.


Prontera's Order of the Knights are the most well-known order of Knights in Rune-Midgarts. Many Swordsmen from all over come to Prontera in hopes of joining its ranks. Those who swear allegiance to the king and act only in accordance with the Knights have the ability to move at high speed on the Pecopeco. Swordsmen with a form of defense and physical attack more powerful than the threat of weak enemies to the king. Against the enemy, they set their arms. Fast maneuvers and the various physical attacking skills never before existed give them extraordinary ability to fight.[1]

Job Change Quest[]

See Knight Job Change

Notable Knights[]


RO2 Knight

Knight concept art for RO2.

Normans are the prominent race to be bestowed Knighthood.


Knights are able to equip gear that is designated as:

  • Swordsman Classes
  • Knight Classes
  • 2nd Classes
  • All Classes
  • Heavy Armor (RO2 only)


Knights are able to utlize the following weapons


Ragnarok Online[]

Tree Skills Quest Skills
RO SpearMastery Spear Mastery RO ChargeAttack Charge Attack
RO CavalryMastery Cavalry Mastery
RO Riding Riding
RO TwohandQuicken Two-Hand Quicken
RO AutoCounter Auto Counter
RO BowlingBash Bowling Bash
RO BrandishSpear Brandish Spear
RO Pierce Pierce
RO SpearStab Spear Stab
RO SpearBoomerang Spear Boomerang

Ragnarok Online II[]

Base Skills Master Skills
RO2 AuraMastery Aura Mastery RO2 ShieldCharge Shield Charge RO2 ChildOfYmirPaladin Child of Ymir: Paladin
RO2 Concentration Concentration RO2 AuraHeal Aura Heal
RO2 GrandCross Grand Cross RO2 AuraShield Aura Shield
RO2 ShieldBoomerang Shield Boomerang RO2 ShieldBoomerangMastery Shield Boomerang Mastery
RO2 ShieldFortress Shield Fortress RO2 ShieldBash Shield Bash
RO2 ShieldCannon Shield Cannon

Ragnarok DS[]

DS SpearMastery Spear Mastery DS Pierce Pierce
DS ChargeAttack Charge Attack DS SpearBoomerang Spear Boomerang
DS SpearStab Spear Stab DS BrandishSpear Brandish Spear
DS 2-HandQuicken 2-Hand Quicken DS 1-HandQuicken 1-Hand Quicken
DS AutoCounter Auto Counter DS BowlingBash Bowling Bash
DS ShiningSword Shining Sword* DS FlameBurst Flame Burst*

(*) Final Skill. To obtain these skill, complete "A Knight's Road" quest to earn the "Knight's Spirit".

NOTE: Story NPC like Lucifi is not counted, you need to recruit another swordsman as a guild member to raise his/her relationship to "Friend/Buddy" by lvling up their job lvl & changing their job class to Knight, go to Swordsman Guild and talk to one of those npc on the left to trigger that quest.

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Knights can move on to become Rune Knights or transcend to Lord Knights.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Swordsman Knight Rune Knight Dragon Knight Lord Knight

Ragnarok Online II[]

Knights can be further customized through the Master Level System.

Exclusive Mounts[]

Knights have exclusive mounts designated for them. Unlike other classes, Knights can attack from their mounts. The main mount is the Pecopeco, although Knights can later gain access to the Ferus as a Rune Knight.

Mount Job Class
RO KnightPeco
RO LordKnightPeco
Armored Peco
Lord Knight
RO Ferusredesign
Rune Knight

^The Ferus comes in 4 other colors, although the process to gain access to them is unknown.


  • A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood has been conferred upon mounted warriors.[2]



  1. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  2. Wikipedia 2013 Mar.