Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Character Monk
Monk concept art for RO.
Job Tier 2nd Class (RO)
2nd Class (RO2)
Job Base Acolyte
RO Job Bonuses
+8 +7 +6 +2 +4 +3
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Monks are martial artists who use a combination of Holy magic and their fists to combat their enemies.


Some of those who walked the path of Acolyte, an occupation entrusted to Odin, insisted that not only spirit but Odin should be given to Odin. They invested the time and effort to sharpen their bodies rather than their minds, and finally they had enough of a powerful body to be called a weapon. Many have invested a great deal of time and effort into doing their good works for Odin, but having their tempered bodies have garnered fear and respect in the name of Monk. Rising in power with the mysterious abilities of the spirit and body, they were able to break everything that stood in their way with their strong stamina and powerful rehabilitation techniques. They now proclaim the will of Odin according to the decree of King Tristan III of Rune-Midgarts and the bishop of the cathedral, and declare the war with the riches of the world; it is time to exercise.[1]

Job Change Quest[]

See Monk Job Change

Notable Monks[]

No data yet.


As worshippers of Odin, only Normans can become Monks.


RO2 Monk

Monk concept art for RO2.

Monks can only equip gear designated as:

  • Acolyte Classes
  • Monk Classes
  • 2nd Classes
  • All Classes
  • Cloth Armor (RO2 only)


Monks can utilize the following weapons:


Ragnarok Online[]

Tree Skills Quest Skills
RO Dodge Dodge RO SpiritualBestowment Spiritual Bestowment
RO IronFists Iron Fists RO ExcruciatingPalm Excruciating Palm
RO SpiritualCadence Spiritual Cadence
RO RagingTrifectaBlow Raging Trifecta Blow
RO RagingQuadrupleBlow Raging Quadruple Blow
RO RagingThrust Raging Thrust
RO Fury Fury
RO AsuraStrike Asura Strike
RO SteelBody Steel Body
RO OccultImpaction Occult Impaction
RO SummonSpiritSphere Summon Spirit Sphere
RO SpiritualSphereAbsorption Spiritual Sphere Absorption
RO ThrowSpiritSphere Throw Spirit Sphere
RO BladeStop Blade Stop
RO BodyRelocation Body Relocation

Ragnarok Online II[]

Base Skills Master Skills
RO2 RagingBlow Raging Blow RO2 IronSkin Iron Skin RO2 ChildOfYmirSeraphim Child of Ymir: Seraphim
RO2 SpiritualCadence Spiritual Cadence RO2 Intimidate Intimidate
RO2 CrushingBlow Crushing Blow RO2 HeavyTackle Heavy Tackle
RO2 Dodge Dodge RO2 LightningCrush Lightning Crush
RO2 SummonSpiritSphere Summon Spirit Sphere RO2 FuryExplosion Fury Explosion
RO2 ProtectionKi Protection Ki RO2 AsuraStrike Asura Strike
RO2 LightningWalk Lightning Walk RO2 StoneSkin Stone Skin
RO2 ThrowSpiritSphere Throw Spirit Sphere

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Monks can move on to become a Sura or transcend to Champion.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Acolyte Monk Sura Inquisitor Champion

Ragnarok Online II[]

Monks can be further customized through the Master Level System.


  • A monk is a person who practices religious asceticism, living either alone or with any number of other monks. A monk may be a person who decided to dedicate his life to serve the other living beings or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his life in prayer and contemplation. The concept is ancient and can be seen in many religions and in philosophy.[2]



  1. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  2. Wikipedia 2013 Mar.