Ragnarok Wiki
Monster Race Stadium
Level none
RO MonsterRaceStadium
The stadium entrance in Hugel.
Race Norman
Affiliation Hugel
Location Hugel
Technical Name(s) p_track01, p_track02

Isolated from the outside world by its geography, Hugel's rural society hosts many small festivals and competitive games that have not yet been introduced to the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. The most popular of these festive games are the Monster Races, held only in Hugel's Monster Race Stadium. These races were originally simple games held by children, and then developed into a pastime that is enjoyed by people of all ages.[1]

On iRO, this area is localized as Monster Race Arena.

How to Play[]

RO MonsterRaceStadium2

Inside the stadium.

Monster Race announcements are broadcast in Hugel before each race is about to be held. If you're interested in watching or wagering on the race's outcome, pay the small entrance fee to the Eckar brothers located in the town's southwest corner who will guide you to the Monster Race Stadium. Bettors can buy Monster Tickets to place wagers on Cute Pets and check the Cute Pet's LUK and HP by speaking to the Ticket Helpers in the Monster Race Stadium.

After each race, spectators and bettors will be automatically warped out of the arena after a certain amount of time.[2]

Race Types[]

  • Single Monster Race - Bet on which monster will win 1st place.
  • Double Monster Race - Bet on which two monsters will win 1st and 2nd place. The bettor only needs to guess which two monsters will finish the race in no particular order before the others to qualify for a reward.


Winning bettors can talk to a Medal Distributor to exchange their Monster Tickets for Prize Medals. The amount of Prize Medals rewarded will differ whether the bettor wagered on a Single or Double Monster Race.


  1. iRO Website 2017 Aug. 18
  2. iRO Website 2017 Aug. 18


  • Patch (2018 Jun. 20)
    • Monster racing-related items and enchants will be added. Items and enchants can be acquired by exchanging tickets.
      • Racing Cap (Star Gladiator), Racing Cap (Soul Linker)
      • Location: Wayne (hugel 68/79)
    • Add monster racing enchant list
      • Racing (Star Gladiator) Lv. 1, Racing (Soul Linker) Lv. 1
      • Location: Ouipel (hugel 73/73)
    • Add monster racing enchant level
      • Racing (Star Gladiator) Lv. 2, Racing (Star Gladiator) Lv. 3, Racing (Soul Linker) Lv. 2, Racing (Soul Linker) Lv. 3
  • Patch (2017 Apr. 12)
    • Fixed an issue with some of the NPC Monster Racing Association not properly checking weight.
  • Patch (2017 Mar. 29)
    • Monster Racing Some NPC's ambassador errors will be fixed.
  • Patch (2017 Mar. 22)
    • The monster racing high roller mode is added. Please look for the staff and the manager in the doubles arena.
    • Racing Cap item enchant ability is added.
      • You can add enchants to the Racing Cap using a certain amount of Mysterious Medals and Zeny.
      • Enchant NPC: Enchant Researcher "Ouipel"
  • Patch (2017 Jan. 18)
    • The "Monster Race" of Hugel is reorganized.
      • Race admission fee is changed. (Original: 2,000 Zeny → Change: 30,000 Zeny)
      • Reward compensation is changed from "Magical Medal" to "Mysterious Medal".
      • Existing NPC "Wayne" will be changed to exchange "Magical Medals" to "Mysterious Medals" at a certain rate. (15: 1 ratio)
      • The existing exchange reward list is deleted, and the new reward NPC "Mysterious Medal Crane" is added.
      • "Apeel" located at Einbroch factory is changed to no longer receive a "Magical Medal". It will be changed to give back the old accumulated medals.
      • 17 monster racing association will be added to the new group of professional armor helmet kit.
  • Patch (2007 May 22)
    • If you play Singles and Double Races in the Monster Race, you must now give the character name and the random number that the NPC gives you before exchanging medals.
  • RO-minilogo Episode 11.3 (2007 Apr. 10)
    • Monster race map has been modified, NPCs have been re-positioned.
  • Patch (2006 Jan. 27)
    • Monster race time is shortened, some errors are fixed.
  • RO-minilogo Episode 10.4 (2006 Jan. 17)
    • Monster race is added to "Hugel". You can enjoy a game with monsters and get medals and items.