Ragnarok Wiki
A Rumor About the King
RO GoliathQuest
Near the entrance to Eclage.
Guard Leo
Mayor Jun Kardui
Prerequisites none
Level 99
Location Eclage
Rewards Experience, Items
Previous Next
Encounter in a Strange Land Kardui's Big Brother


Investigate Leo's concerns and talk to 3 people about the rumors of Kardui.


"I shouldn't judge you anymore. It seems like the Mayor Jun has an eye for character. So he is Mayor Jun after all..."

[You don't like the king?]

"No, it's not that I don't like him. I'm rather concerned... or having trouble trusting him... something like that. Since he didn't do anything wrong, I don't have any reason to hate him, but...

There was a precedent and it's a pretty rare case... so I'm just concerned in many ways. It should not bother a foreigner like you."


  • 200,000 Base EXP
  • 200,000 Job EXP


"It was a boring and long story. It's good to have someone to whom I can open myself up and talk. That's how I've been enduring all this time. I sometimes think to myself: if only Seneth had someone he could talk to, things would be different...

Now that I think about it, I answered two of your questions already! I'll give you a chance to pay back next time. Just wait for it!"

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