Ragnarok Wiki
Bothersome Little Thing
File:RO BothersomeLittleThingQuest.jpg
He's not horny like that, you pervert.
Prerequisites 20 Sandpapers
Level 140
Location Prontera
Rewards Experience, Items
Previous Next
Restricted Sector none


Get Sandpaper skins from Taffy for Prisoner 55HK115.


"You look like a manager to me. I have to tell you, the service here is downright poor. Don't you agree, manager? Huh?!

You've come at a good time, I guess. I haven't had the time to take care of my horns and they're still hanging in there. My horns use dot be praised by the horned bunch and... I hate to even imagine what they would say to me if they get to see these ugly horns now. Before my horns get really damaged, I need to get them taken care of. But I don't see proper materials around here.


Hey, manager. I think you're in luck. I think I've found something that's just right. I see Taffy, the inferior species, walking around. I think their skin should make a good alternative to sandpaper to trim down the thingies at the ends of my horns. Look at this. The protruded areas at the ends of my horns. If it gets trimmed down, I would definitely get peace of mind.

What are you doing? I told you to skin those Taffy and bring me 20!"



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