Ragnarok Wiki
Breakdown (2)
Start Master Enrang
End Master Enrang
Prerequisites none
Level 25
Location Prontera
Rewards Experience, Money
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Breakdown Breakdown


Clear the Breakdown with the Divine White Tiger's skill, defeat it and return to Master Enrang.


"Hmm……. You were infused with a powerful venom, but it didn't poison you, but disrupted the flow of energy in your body…….? Interesting. If you have enough qi within, poison can be neutralized, but in your case, it's not neutralization. Something's pushing away the poison so violently that it's messed up your energy flow. Looks like you cannot control that power within……. One must calm the rampaging qi when under a breakdown. It is usually up to the one affected, but in your state is critical. I will help you.

Go up the coast north and you'll find my pet, the Divine White Tiger. Fight it. It detects the opponent's energy and attacks accordingly, so your energy will stabilize while you fight."


  • 200 Base EXP
  • 400 Rupi


"The White Tiger is up north at the coast."


"So, had a good fight with my tiger?

Let's see……. Looks like the energy flow has been stabilized. Now we must put the distorted aeremia right but……. I'm not sure if I should recommend this to you."

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