Ragnarok Wiki
Cellette's Fish Cake Soup
RO FishCakeSoupQuest
A hilltop house.
Cellette Lavit
Cellette Lavit
Prerequisites 1 Mushroom Spore -OR- 1 Whip -OR- 1 Bookclip in Memory -OR- 1 China
Level none
Location Hugel
Rewards Items
Previous Next
none none


Help Cellette Lavit deliver her Fish Cake Soup to her customers.


"Hi there, thanks for visiting our lovely town! Why don't you come in and have a taste of authentic Hugel cuisine? I guarantee that you won't regret it~

My name is Cellette Lavit and I proudly serve Fish Cake Soup, Hugel's specialty dish. All the tourists that've tried it have loved it and I have many regular customers~

The dish has something of a cult following and it's not widely popularized, but I'm sure that it'll be considered representative of Schwarzwald Republic cuisine someday.

Listen, you look like an able adventurer, so would you consider working part-time for me? I have many orders for Fish Cake Soup, so there's no way I can make deliveries...

If you work for me, I'll waive the price: I'll give you 1 Fish Cake Soup for each delivery that you complete. But if you're not interested, you can just buy some now~

[Sure, I'll work for you!]

Oh, thank you so much! You can't imagine how busy I've been and how much I need the help! Now, let's get started~"


  • If you decided you'd rather buy the Fish Cake Soup, Cellette will sell you 1 cake at a time for 100 Zeny each.
  • This quest is repeatable.



"Good work! I hear that you successfully delivered the soup. I knew I could trust you! Ah, before I forget, here is your Fish Cake Soup. Thank you so much for your help~

It was really nice working with you and I hope you come by and help me again sometime. Oh, and please tell all your friends about my delicious Fish Cake Soup. See you later~"

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