Ragnarok Wiki
Criatura Academy Principal
RO LookingForInstructorsQuest
Inside the Criatura Academy.
Start Professor Lil Oldman
End Academy Principal
Prerequisites none
Level none
Location Izlude
Rewards Information
Previous Next
Dispensary Therapist none


Find and meet the Criatura Academy Principal.


"You've already been impressing many of the instructors here. I'd like you to go and speak to the dean before you start your journey.

Go up to the Principal's Office on the second floor past the classrooms. The stairs are right next to the Receptionist's desk."



"Welcome, <name>. Hopefully you've been learning some useful information here at the Criatura Academy. Professor Lil Oldman has seen some great potential in you. I think you are about ready to make your steps out into the world.

When you get to your last job level for Novice, please go and speak with the Class Trainers to change to your first job! Don't forget to speak to everyone outside as well. You can get some free enchants and other useful tips!

Now go out and start on your own adventure! (With the compliments of the Kafra Corporation.)"

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