Ragnarok Wiki
Escape From Reality into the Broad World
RO EscapeFromRealityIntoTheBroadWorldQuest
Inside the mansion in Alberta.
Iromo's Mother
Prerequisites 1 Banana, 1 Red Potion, 1 Monster's Feed
Level 70
Location Alberta
Rewards Experience
Previous Next
Rekenber Job


Find out why Iromo doesn't like to go outside anymore.


"This little boy is my son, Iromo. He used to go out all the time. He loved playing outside with friends. But, somehow... he doesn't go out anymore. I am so worried about him. What happened to him?"


  • There is a couple of 24-hour periods during this quest that you'll have to wait out before you can finish it.
  • On iRO, Wild Roses have been removed from all towns because of players using Hylozoist card's polymorphing effect on them. You will have to venture into the wilds of RO in order to kill a Wild Rose for the quest.
  • [Bug] On iRO, you can accept this quest multiple times and have duplicates appear in your quest window. It is unknown if you can continue receiving the EXP reward on repeat attempts.


  • 28,550 Base EXP


"If it is so painful... then I shouldn't go for it...


You begin to tell him about all the things you have gone through... adventures, good times and bad... Monster hunting, dramatic meetings and break-ups... All of the danger and excitement... And you guarantee that it will be a valuable experience.


Go to the outside world, huh?"

[It will be a great experience.]


But, not now... I am still not ready...

But, I will try someday... Sometime soon, I will go outside... Then, we can do lots of things together... The world is wide and many excitements are waiting for me... I want to see them all."

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