Ragnarok Wiki
Finding Lights
File:RO FindingLightsQuest.jpg
Prerequisites 1 Bright Light
Level 140
Location Prontera
Rewards Experience, Items
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Restricted Sector none


Find a Bright Light for Prisoner 95EB72.


Prisoner 95EB72: ~sniffs~ "This smell... Yes... It is norman..." ~giggles~ "It's been such a while since any norman came along in this dark underground.

Get over here, norman. It's been a while, so I will show mercy and let you live."

[Approach closer.]

Prisoner 95EB72: ~evil laughter~ "You've got courage, norman! I can't wait to let the dumb normans taste my fist of terror!

Now, I can't let myself out of this dark and damp place because of the chicken-hearted normans. Once I get out of here, I will never forgive the normans."

<name>: "Well... there is particularly no need to..."

Prisoner 95EB72: ~evil laughter~ "Talking back to me? How dare you!

But I like your audacity, too. You can be my underling, then."

[By the way, didn't you just cringe?]

Prisoner 95EB72: "Wa ha ha ha~ I think I've got myself a cocky underling. Remember, a dark and humid place like this one is much like a doppelganger that is blatantly wicked and doesn't even have its own face." ~evil laughter~ "Let me give this amusing underling a chance to prove your sense of loyalty. I'll have to brighten up this place first."

<name>: "Didn't we just... meet?"

Prisoner 95EB72: "Underling. Get me a torch burning brightly in the prison. This place is too dark. I'll have to turn this place bright like my own hometown."



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