Ragnarok Wiki
First Step Towards a New World
RO FirstStepTowardsANewWorldQuest
On an Izlude dock.
Start Captain Carocc
End Mr
Prerequisites none
Level none
Location Izlude
Rewards Information
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First Time Talking After Being Born Cool Drink


Learn how to use the Navigation System from Captain Carocc and seek out Mr. Hun.


"This is Izlude, the best city for you to take wing to your dreams. Although I don't have any particular feelings for you, I've seen a lot of young people like you while operating the ship. There were those among them who succeeded and failed and went back after being unable to adjust. I want you to have a successful start with this place.

Izlude has a new institution for budding adventurers like you! Did you know this?"

[You mean the academy?]

"Yes! It's called the Royal Criatura Academy. Founded by the Rune-Midgarts lineage to help out new adventurers.

A friend of mine works there, so I'll introduce you to him. He could make a lot of things easier for you. He usually talks to new adventurers near the entrance of the academy. Go and meet him there.

His name is Hun. I will mark his spot on the map, so go see him. If you need more help with the map, press Hun here. Yes, the part that says 'Hun.'

Anyway, my friend will help you register with the academy. I hope it can help you for your future."




"If you want, you can step forward into the world right away. However, I recommend you visit the Academy first. The world is a lonely place to be alone. The Academy has people you can make into lifetime companions.

My friend Hun will be around the Academy entrance. If you don't know the way, I'll point it out to you again."


"Oh... you must be the adventurer Carocc was talking about. I don't know where your homeland is, but Midgard is a good place to start your life's journey."

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