Ragnarok Wiki
Flaming Basin and Doom Prayers
RO FlamingBasinAndDoomPrayersQuest
Flame Basin base camp.
Base Investigator
Doom Prayer Leader
Prerequisites 15 Burning Feathers, 20 Patrol Logs, 40 Stone of Blessing, 30 Monster Blood, 30 Tooth of Flame Golem, 30 Neck of Flame Frilldora
Level 140
Location Flame Basin
Rewards Experience
Previous Next
Dimensional Travel none


Investigate the Flame Basin and disperse the Doom Prayers.


"Have you noticed it, too?

Yes, the monsters in this area are really quite strange. They appear to be mutant versions of Midgard monsters. Worse still, their numbers have been rapidly increasing. We must keep an eye on them.

To my regret, everyone seems so busy that I can't ask them for help despite the seriousness of the Investigation. This is not a safe environment."

[Do you want me to do it?]

"Of all those monsters, Flame Condors look the most dangerous. Those birds with burning tails charge headlong toward everyone they see. You may be able to run from them, but you will always get singed."

[Do you want me to hunt Flame Condors?]

"No, I have no one to dispose of their carcasses. My purpose, after all, is investigation. Just bring me 15 Burning Feathers from Flame Condors."

[Got it.]

"Bring me 15 Burning Feathers from Flame Condors. Hurry before more people fall victim to those vicious birds!"


  • Patrol Log will be automatically added to your Inventory by chance when killing a Fire Sandman. However, you can only collect 20 Patrol Logs max, so don't bother collecting extras as the system won't allow it.
  • If you walk within the area around the Scout, you can trigger a Fire Sandman's ambush and lose 1~4 Patrol Logs.


  • 3,000,000 Base EXP
  • 0 Job EXP


"Sigh, the world hasn't ended. Again. What I wouldn't give to go back home now and change into some fresh underwear...

I'll wait for the next natural disaster and gather more followers to call forth the God of Destruction!

Thanks to you, though, that weather accident has shocked everyone and put them into their place. My followers have been doubting their faith in me and I haven't paid their memberships for months. I should reward you for your help.

I hope you'll come to our next gathering and work your weather miracle again."

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