Ragnarok Wiki
Guarnien's Lecture
RO MerchantJobQuest
Inside the Merchant Guild HQ.
Start Guarnien
End Guarnien
Prerequisites Must be a Merchant, 3,900 Zeny
Level none
Location Alberta
Rewards Experience, Items
Previous Next
Merchant Job Change none


Learn the basics of being a Merchant.


"You've just started out as a Merchant, haven't you? How would you like to learn the fundamentals of business from an experienced colleague?"


"Atta <boy/girl>! But first things first! You better learn the Enlarge Weight Limit skill! You can't really be a Merchant if you can't even carry around goods to sell. As you increase the level of this skill, you can carry around more items.

Why don't you upgrade your Enlarge Weight Limit skill up to Level 4? After that, we can talk more about becoming a true Merchant."



"Ah, now you have mastered the fundamentals of the Merchant class. Just keep practicing the basic principles, like researching the market for item prices, and you should be fine. Although everything we do is for money, never forget customer needs and always sell your products at a suitably fair price. Otherwise, no one may buy your goods!

Well, there's nothing more I can teach you for now. Go out into the world and make your mark as a Merchant. And feel free to visit me whenever the mood strikes you.

Good luck to you~"

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  • Patch
    • EXP reward increased from 1,860 to 6,690 Base EXP.
    • Job EXP reward increased from 604 to 1,732 Job EXP.