Ragnarok Wiki
Hysteric Ruti Cereno
Start Ruti Cereno
End Ruti Cereno
Prerequisites none
Level 42
Location Hasut Town
Rewards Experience, Money
Previous Next
Kind MC Salle Hysteric Ruti Cereno


Obtain Ruti's Earrings from Dianatics and give them to Ruti Cereno at the Grooming Thieves Camp.


"Huh? Loki's Fang? Hmm, I can't give you the info for that so easily, even if it's you, <name>. We have rules to keep.

If you want valuable information, you need something in return. What could be good?

Yes, near here you'll find a place with mushroom like rocks called Mushrellas. Desert rabbits called Dianatics live there. Now these things eat anything and I think they ate my earrings that I lost there. Go and get my earrings back. Then I'll give you some info on Loki's Fang."



"Near here you'll find a place with mushroom like rocks called Mushrellas. Desert rabbits called Dianatics live there. Now these things eat anything and I think they ate my earrings that I lost there. Go and get my earrings back. Then I'll give you some info on Loki's Fang."


"Wow, would you look at that……. I never thought you'd actually find these in the desert. Like squeezing a Peco Peco through a needle head.

……But, that's not enough for the information on Loki's Fang."

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  • Patch (2014 Jan. 08)
    • This is one of several quests that were removed to streamline the Questing Experience (any experience the removed quests used to give have been distributed to the remaining quests).