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Jewel and Cloth
RO ToWolfeQuest
Not a bad crowd.
Agnes Lugenburg
Agnes Lugenburg
Prerequisites 3 Pearls, 50 Feathers
Level 100
Location Prontera
Rewards Experience, Items
Previous Next
To Wolfe none


Help collect dress materials for Agnes Lugenburg.


Agnes: "Dear adventurer, you came at the perfect time. Something serious happened!"

<name>: "What is it? Is your safety being threatened? Or have your brothers started fighting again?"

Agnes: "No, it's more serious. I need your help desperately!"

<name>: "Okay, I will prepare for a fight. Wait a second."

Agnes: "What?"

<name>: "What...?"

Agnes: "Why are you preparing to fight?"

<name>: "You said something serious happened. What's more serious than a large-scale war?"

Agnes: "It's not that. Life isn't all about fighting."

<name>: "Then, what is it?"

Agnes: "I heard from Myer that he is sorry that he cannot come with me to the banquet. He said that he would send a handsome guy as my escort instead and that I should prepare to go with him. He said the substitute is so good-looking that I would like him when I see him. I am sure that he is very handsome, as Myer is very picky."

<name>: "That sounds nice, but I don't understand what's so serious."

Agnes: "I had prepared a dress of my choosing thinking that I would be going with Myer. But now that my partner has changed, I would have to prepare differently in order to complement him."

No data yet.

<name>: "Yes, you should!!"

Agnes: "I expected you would agree as a woman like me. There are so many things I have to consider, such as his hair color, eye color, outfit color and shape... I asked Myer about him, but he didn't tell me anything. Once he visits, it will be too late. So I have to finish preparations in advance regardless of what he wears. To prepare for different scenarios, such as hair color and clothing color, I need lots of dresses. Do you understand what I mean? Therefore, I told my grandfather that I want to have some more dresses to prepare for any situation, but he said that what I have already is enough. How does that make sense?"

<name>: "That is nonsense!"

Agnes: "Yes!!! I talked with Wolfe, too, but he said the same thing as grandfather. I should ask somebody else to do me a favor since he doesn't listen to me. So I talked with Myer and he told me to talk with you. He also said that if I cannot get a dress, I should buy the materials and make one. He said that is how they do it on the streets. So I hired a very skillful person who can make dresses and accessories, but the key is materials. I guess that you are very experienced and can get what I need. If I go out to get a dress, I may be the first princess in Rune-Midgarts who dies for a dress. So would you please save me from this situation?"

<name>: "Of course, I'll do my best to help you. You need cloth, decorations, and dyes, don't you?"

Agnes: "Yes, you are right! You understand me very well! I like you very much. Can we be friends? I have always wanted a woman who understands me very well."

<name>: "Of course. What do you want?"

Agnes: "There is a decoration I really want to have, but it's so rare that I couldn't get it. Can you get it for me...?"

<name>: "Why is it so rare?"

Agnes: "It is a pearl! Elegant and gentle gloss! Valuable jewel born from irritation! I would like to use pearls to make a necklace and a bracelet. You can get pearls from monsters. Can you get them for me?"

[Of course.]

Agnes: "Thank Odin, I was afraid you would refuse. I carry this with me no matter what I wear. And can I ask you to do one more favor? To produce good cloth, good threads are necessary. For good threads, soft hair is the best. Would you get soft feathers for me, too?"

<name>: "It is not difficult."

Agnes: "I think 3 pearls are enough, and 50 strands of soft feathers are required. The success of my banquet is in your hands. I will do my best to make it one of the best ever."


  • Completing this quest will unlock a repeatable quest, which will ask for one of six different sets of items.


In Progress[]

Agnes: "Dear adventurer, welcome back. Pearls? Soft feathers? Have you brought them?"

<name>: "Ah, it is..."

Agnes: "Not yet? It's okay, we still have time. You forgot what I asked, didn't you? I need 3 pearls and 50 strands of soft feathers. Please don't be late!"


Agnes: "Dear adventurer, welcome back. Pearls? Soft feathers? Have you brought them?"

<name>: "Here you are. Am I too late?"

Agnes: "No! You have brought all of them. I'm so happy! I'll take the pearls to the jeweler, the best jeweler. They are so pretty! I'll send off the soft feathers, too. I wonder what they will turn into. Ah, I need a handkerchief. There are so many things to do and I'm so busy. Oh, I would like to thank you for working hard for me. Here you are. And can I ask you to get more? I am afraid cloth is not sufficient."

<name>: "I guess so. I will help you to the best of my ability."

Agnes: "You really understand me. I'm so happy. See you tomorrow. Have a nice day."

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