Ragnarok Wiki
Kind MC Salle
Start MC Salle
End Ruti Cereno
Prerequisites none
Level 42
Location Hasut Town
Rewards Experience, Money
Previous Next
Difficult Arms Dealer Hysteric Ruti Cereno


Go to Ruti Cereno of the Grooming Thieves and win her heart to gain information on Loki's Fang.


"Oh~ the Autonomy Master, did the man really say that? Really? Wha ha ha ha ha!!! Surprise~!! I got you!

Sorry, pal. Well, I didn't do it on purpose. Anyone has a secret deep within~ right up your sleeve. Don't they? Anyways, good, good~ I, MC Salle, am so sorry, so I'll specially enhance your item. But on one condition~!

Well, it's not that hard, anyways~ If you bring me information on the weapon of my dreams, then I'll enhance your item~ The weapon is~ Loki's Fang, which is said to have been used by the hero that defeated the Ancient Demon Lord Morroc, not Morroc the city! Ho ho ho ho~ I'm getting butterflies just speaking about it~

So you'll need to bring me information on Loki's Fang! I heard that the Grooming Thieves are investigating the weapon~ Why don't you go to the Grooming Thief Camp to gather information?

Loki's Fang... Oh, I'm so excited. I'll enhance your item if you bring me information on Loki's Fang! You'll probably have to convince Ruti~ the leader of the Grooming Thieves~"



"Gather information at the Grooming Thief Camp."


"Loki's Fang was not here or there, but there? Oho~ Surprise!! Surprise, indeed. I've visited the place before coming here~ MC Salle is sad~

Anyways, you've brought me good information, so I'll enhance your item!"

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  • Patch (2014 Jan. 08)
    • This is one of several quests that were removed to streamline the Questing Experience (any experience the removed quests used to give have been distributed to the remaining quests).