Ragnarok Wiki
Oops! I Slipped!
Start MC Salle
End Assistant Rabe
Prerequisites none
Level 42
Location Hasut Town
Rewards Experience, Money
Previous Next
Ruti's Advanced Information none


Talk to Assistant Rabe of MC Salle at Hasut Town.


"Let's begin!!"

(Clank! Clank! Clank! Clankety clank! …………Slip?!)

"Oops, I slipped~ Sorry. The weapon is so old that it's hard to enhance~

Well, it's my mistake, so I'll reward you with another item of equal value. How about it? Okay? It'll be okay. Life is good~

Now, go to my Assistant Rabe and say that I sent you and receive your reward. You'll be really satisfied~ Good, huh?"


  • 2,847 Base EXP
  • 2 Zeny 139 Rupi
  • One of the following:
    • 1 Forgotten Thief's Sword
    • 1 Forgotten Thief's Great Sword
    • 1 Forgotten Thief's Staff
    • 1 Forgotten Thief's Rod
    • 1 Forgotten Thief's Bow


"Go to my Assistant Rabe and say that I sent you and receive your reward. You'll be really satisfied~ Good, huh?"


"MC Salle told me to give you a reward?

Hmm……. So he failed at enhancement again. Well, that happens a lot. Well, this is the reward.

Well…… It may not be enough, but Salle was talking about this, anyways."

External links[]


  • Patch (2014 Jan. 08)
    • This is one of several quests that were removed to streamline the Questing Experience (any experience the removed quests used to give have been distributed to the remaining quests).