Ragnarok Wiki
Pranksters of Eclage
RO PrankstersOfEclageQuest
Within Eclage's clinic.
Prerequisites 11 Green Herbs, 10 Acorn Piles, 10 Worn-out Pages, 10 Mould Powders, 1 Stem, 2 Rat Tails
Level 120
Location Eclage
Rewards Experience, Items, Access
Previous Next
none none


Help Eirinn relieve her stomachache.


"Oww, my stomach hurts!!

What are you looking at?

I haven't really eaten anything unusual these days, but why am I getting stomachaches so often?!

Are you still there? Good, you came at just the right moment. I was going to get a prescription for my stomachache, but they don't have herbs for it in the warehouse anymore. Just like an old saying, 'even Green Herbs are difficult to find when you need them.'

Could you go out and find herbs and things like that?"


"I need 10 Green Herbs. I hope you hurry before Eclage is filled with the sounds of my groaning."



"Oh, and as manager of the warehouse, let me give you something in return. You found lost items and helped here and there, so think of it as a reward.

I'll get permission from above so that you can read any books on the bookshelves that Dominic is in charge of. It's about where you came from and I'm sure you'll like it. If your perspective on something changes, the way you evaluate that object changes as well. Explore Midgard from our perspective!"

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