Ragnarok Wiki
Priest Job Change
RO PriestJobQuest
Inside the Prontera Church.
Bishop Paul
Bishop Paul
Prerequisites Must be an Acolyte
Level Job Level 40-50
Location Prontera
Rewards Job change to Priest
Previous Next
Job Change to Acolyte High Priest Job Change
Archbishop Job Change


Advance from a Acolyte to a Priest


"May Odin bless you, <Brother/Sister>. What brings you to me?"

[I want to be a Priest.]

"I see. So you wish to be a Priest. Odin will be delighted by your decision and will bless you.

I am Bishop Paul Cervantes and am in charge of the Prontera Parish. I am glad to meet a person as eager and devoted to Odin such as yourself. If you've set your mind on becoming a Priest, you must undergo several tests. Only Acolytes who reach Job Level 40 are qualified for testing. If you satisfy the requirements, I suggest that you apply for the Priest job first. Do you wish to apply now?"

[Yes, I do.]

"Now, I will explain the Three Trials of Priesthood. These tribulations will bring you much suffering, but I hope you can complete them, <Brother/Sister> <name>.

For the First Trial, you will make a pilgrimage and visit three ascetic Priests in a specific order. The Second Trial will consist of spiritual training. You must resist the temptations of Demons and the Undead. In the Final Trial, you will promise your devotion to Odin. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself will also be questioned. Acolytes that have reached Job Level 50 will be exempt from the First Trial—the pilgrimage—as they have already demonstrated their enthusiasm and devotion.

Well, let me tell you the order of the ascetic Priests that you must visit for your pilgrimage..."



"Congratulations, you have completed the trials required of all Priests. Let me promote you to the position of Priest right away.

Odin, grant your power to your servant standing before you. Let him send your message throughout the ends of the earth. Make this servant of yours an instrument of your miraculous works...

Now you are born again as a Priest. I congratulate you, and hope you will greatly help other people for the rest of your life.

In commemoration of your job change, I am giving you a <book/bible>. This will light your way to the path of righteousness. You've shown great effort and have made admirable progress in your personal quest for holiness. Please lead your life as a sincere Priest..."

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