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Refreshing Prison Life
File:RO RefreshingPrisonLifeQuest.jpg
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Prerequisites 20 Dehumidifiers
Level 140
Location Prontera
Rewards Experience, Items
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Restricted Sector none


Find a way to dehumidify Prisoner 117FM188's cell.


Prisoner 117FM188: "Are you that new servant? I guess the prisoner warden has sent another norman servant, then. I didn't like the norman servant from last time. He was too weak. I don't know about you. I'm worried, but there is nothing else I can do.

Norman servant. What is your name? What should I call you?"

<name>: "<name>."

Prisoner 117FM188: "<name>. What a weird and difficult name to pronounce! I wanted to call you by your name, but I don't think I can.

Oh right, you're Noyel! I like the sound of the name. Your name is Noyel from now on.

Noyel, I have a question! Are the other norman prisoners living in this dire environment? I know I'm a prisoner here, but I don't understand why they have to lock me in this place that is so dirty and humid. Noyel, go ahead and bring that prisoner warden. I have to bone to pick with him."

<name>: "I don't think that's going to happen."

Prisoner 117FM188: "I didn't know a servant has no right to meet with the prisoner warden. My apology. But I can't go there myself. That means it's impossible to meet him, then. We should come up with an alternative.


Now I remember. The servant who used to serve me gave me that thing. I'm not sure it's still here."

<name>: "What is it?

Prisoner 117FM188: "From what I remember, it was something you normans use. It is called a dehumidifier, removing humidity around you. Do you know what that is?

Maybe I should use it because I don't have any other option. Bring me about 20 of them."



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