Ragnarok Wiki
Secret Trade
Start Vegetable Merchant Carr
End Ruti Cereno
Prerequisites none
Level 43
Location Hasut Town
Rewards Experience, Money
Previous Next
A Child Who Wants to Become a Thief none


Deliver the Vegetable Box to Ruti Cerano at the Grooming Thief Camp.


"Thank you for taking care of my business earlier. I'd like to make another request……. I'm making this request because I trust you.

Take these items to Ruti Cereno at the Grooming Thief Camp. I haven't delivered vegetables in recent days because of the bad weather. They'll probably be edgy right now because they didn't have anything to eat.

Oh, and please keep this delivery a secret. You can't tell anyone about it, okay?"



"You can't tell anyone that I'm dealing with Ruti Cereno. Okay?"


"Carr sent you here? I don't know how many of my men are dawdling from the lack of food. The way I feel right now, I'd like to go see Carr and say that I won't pay… But I haven't eaten well and don't even have the energy to say anything.

Leave the vegetables here. I'll have the men take them to the storage."

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  • Patch (2014 Jan. 08)
    • This is one of several quests that were removed to streamline the Questing Experience (any experience the removed quests used to give have been distributed to the remaining quests).