Ragnarok Wiki
The Tight Doors of the Abyss
Start Heinz Stober
End Gongurat
Prerequisites none
Level 50
Location Delta Town, Hasut Town
Rewards Experience, Money
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Secret of the Lord A Key to Open Darkness


Meet Dr. Gongurat at Dr. Gongurat's Laboratory in the Sograt Desert.


"Our men have exhausted every possibility trying to open the doors, but they won't budge. The real issue is the lock that's been rusted by the sea breeze. Any normal key would likely snap if turned, we'd need one that's as hard as a diamond.

... Have you been to Sograt Desert? There is a certain facility, the Gongurat Laboratory, where a Dr. Gongurat resides. He may have a solution to the problem."


  • 0 Base EXP
  • 4 Zeny 220 Rupi
  • 5 Tiger Embroidery V
  • 5 Dragon Embroidery V


"Check with Dr. Gongurat at the Gongurat Laboratory in the Sograt Desert. He may be able to help us."


"What is it this time, <name>? I'm rather busy investigating artifacts recovered from the Fortress of Sandstorm, so don't bother if it's too troublesome.

A key to open the entrance of the Berta Delta Culvert? It sounds as if you need a locksmith, not me."

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