Ragnarok Wiki
Very Good Armor Material!
Start Merchant Merman
End Merchant Merman
Prerequisites none
Level 22
Location Izlude
Rewards Experience, Money
Previous Next
Recognition from Chantilly none


Go into Izlude Cave on northeast side of Izlude Hill to find Vadon Vadon Shell from the Vadon King and bring them to Mermen Merchant at the Putaruta Resistance army base.


"Hey, norman, do you know the path to the Izlude Cave? If you go to Izlude Cave… Vadon… Vadon… catch Vadon King and bring its hard shell. They are a special species called Vadonvadon. We just call it the Vadon King. Vadon King’s shell is a real good source of armor.

Don’t forget! If you go to Izlude Cave, bring back Vadon King’s shell. I’ll give you pretty good compensation. Ok?"


  • You have to enter a dungeon in order to complete this quest.


  • 5,789 Base EXP
  • 1 Zeny 391 Rupi
  • One of the following:
    • 1 Homewatcher Gauntlets
    • 1 Homewatcher Leather Gloves
    • 1 Homewatcher Armguards
    • 1 Homewatcher Gloves
    • 1 Homewatcher Oversleeves
    • 1 Homewatcher Arm Cover


"If you go Izlude Cave, bring back Vadon King's shell. I'll give you pretty good compensation. Ok?"


"How was it? Huge and harder than what you thought? Now our Mermen equipment will be stronger. By the way, you should pay for it. Hahaha!"

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  • Patch
    • EXP reward lowered from 12,799 Base EXP to 5,789 Base EXP.
    • Monetary reward lowered from 4 Zeny 408 Rupi to 1 Zeny 391 Rupi.