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Ragnarok Wiki
Character Ranger
Ranger artwork for RO.
Job Tier 3rd Class (RO)
2nd Class (RO2)
Job Base Hunter, Sniper (RO)
Archer (RO2)
RO Job Bonuses
+2 +10 +6 +9 +8 +2
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Rangers have superior maneuverability and Trap skills compared to Hunters and Snipers. The use of camouflage and Warg-riding allows Rangers to ambush and retreat before the enemy can counterattack. Rangers can also use Detonators to explode their traps to inflict maximum damage against their foes.[1] [2]


It is unclear when or who set up the Ranger special training center for specially chosen Hunters and Snipers. It is only known that the center would likely be hidden in the dep forest or wilderness and will only reveal itself to Hunters and Snipers that are deemed as qualified.

People have come up with all sorts of speculation about the center as the rumors of its existence quickly spread. The most popular guess was that a few important people in tht government created the center to train their special forces to counter Assassins that would target international assets in case of a war.

Rangers were equipped with their trusty bows and arrows, their War Warg companions, and a plethora of traps. Though their enemies may try to block their advance and escape routes, these well-rounded marksmen prove more than capable of handling any kind of mission. They can employ guerilla tactics to camouflage themselves against enemy detection and explode their traps when enemies step on them.

At the beginning of the Continental War, Rangers were employed as scouts, infiltrators, and spies. Their accomplishments were soon known throughout the world. Even by then, no one knew who was training these Rangers, but it was obvious that the organizers were not working to protect the peace of the world. It didn't take long for an organization to be established to directly oppose the increasing number of Rangers.[3]

Job Change Quest[]

See Ranger Job Change

Notable Rangers[]


Thus far, only Normans can become Rangers.


Character Ranger2

jRO redesign of Ranger.

Rangers can only equip gear designated as:

  • Archer Classes
  • Ranger Only
  • 3rd Classes
  • All Classes
  • 2nd Classes (RO2 only)
  • Light Armor (RO2 only)


Rangers can use the following weapons:


RO2 Ranger

Ranger concept art for RO2.

Ragnarok Online[]

RO RangerMain Ranger Main RO TrapResearch Trap Research
RO ToothOfWarg Tooth of Warg RO ArrowStorm Arrow Storm
RO AimedBolt Aimed Bolt RO WargStrike Warg Strike
RO WargBite Warg Bite RO FearBreeze Fear Breeze
RO Camouflage Camouflage RO WargMastery Warg Mastery
RO WargRider Warg Rider RO WargDash Warg Dash
RO ElectricShock Electric Shock RO KeenNose Keen Nose
RO BombCluster Bomb Cluster RO Detonator Detonator
RO MagentaTrap Magenta Trap RO CobaltTrap Cobalt Trap
RO MaizeTrap Maize Trap RO VerdureTrap Verdure Trap
RO IceTrap Ice Trap RO FireTrap Fire Trap
RO NoLimits No Limits RO FullThrottle Full Throttle

Ragnarok Online II[]

Base Skills Master Skills
RO2 Camouflage Camouflage RO2 RangerMain Ranger Main RO2 ChildOfYmirGaia Child of Ymir: Gaia
RO2 TrueSight True Sight RO2 SharpShooting Sharp Shooting
RO2 CamouflageMastery Camouflage Mastery RO2 PoisonArrow Poison Arrow
RO2 ArrowShower Arrow Shower RO2 FalconAssault Falcon Assault
RO2 FearBreeze Fear Breeze RO2 WindWalk Wind Walk
RO2 ArrowVulcan Arrow Vulcan

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Rangers can go on to become a Wind Hawks.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Archer Hunter Ranger Wind Hawk Sniper

Ragnarok Online II[]

Rangers can be further customized through the Master Level System.



  1. iRO Website 2013 Mar.
  2. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  3. iRO Website 2010 Oct. 07


Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online II
