Ragnarok Wiki
Character Rogue
Rogue concept art for RO.
Job Tier 2nd Class (RO)
2nd Class (RO2)
Job Base Thief
RO Job Bonuses
+6 +7 +6 +4 +7 none
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Rogues are the scourge of the desert that use advanced trickery to get what they want. Not content to just steal items and weapons, Rogues will strip their targets down to their underwear if necessary. They are not above vandalism either.


Rogues do not try to meet eyes with themselves. As people that had become free of work, seeing the recruitment announcement of Tristan III, Lord of Rune-Midgarts, they join the ranks of adventurers to test their abilities against monsters. Known as bad luck in a street alley, Rogues have the skills to strip weapons and armor before the other person could notice, with the ability to use daggers. Rogues also have the ability to automatically use various skills at the same time when attacking. If the opponent is strong, the opponent is weak, and when the opponent is weak, the opponent is incomprehensible. Will becomes anger, and the things in front of them will not be guaranteed their safety.[1]

Rogues work quickly with virtuosity and say they're the top thieves. By performing rigorous training with special exquisite skills, they are highly distinguished thieves that aren't limited by rules or restraints. They move freely around the land, as they are separate from all rules of society. Rogues will strengthen themselves by learning and stealing other techniques, sometimes stripping armor and weapons. To them, the rules of combat do not apply.[2]

Job Change Quest[]

See Rogue Job Change

Notable Rogues[]


RO2 Rogue

Rogue concept art for RO2.

For their trickery and deception, only Normans are low enough to become Rogues.


Rogues can only equip gear designated as:

  • Thief Classes
  • Rogue Classes
  • 2nd Classes
  • All Classes
  • Light Armor (RO2 only)


Rogues can use the following weapons:


Ragnarok Online[]

Tree Skills Quest Skills
RO SwordMastery Sword Mastery RO CloseConfine Close Confine
RO VulturesEye Vulture's Eye
RO Snatch Snatch
RO Haggle Haggle
RO GangstersParadise Gangster's Paradise
RO TunnelDrive Tunnel Drive
RO Plagiarize Plagiarize
RO Intimidate Intimidate
RO BackStab Back Stab
RO StripArmor Strip Armor
RO StripHelm Strip Helm
RO StripShield Strip Shield
RO StripWeapon Strip Weapon
RO StealCoin Steal Coin
RO FlagGraffiti Flag Graffiti
RO Graffiti Graffiti
RO Cleaner Cleaner
RO Raid Raid
RO RemoveTrap Remove Trap
RO DoubleStrafe Double Strafe

Ragnarok Online II[]

Base Skills Master Skills
RO2 DirtyPlan Dirty Plan RO2 ComboMastery Combo Mastery RO2 ChildOfYmirCthulhu Child of Ymir: Cthulhu
RO2 DuelStab Duel Stab RO2 SmokeBomb Smoke Bomb
RO2 GangstersParadise Gangster's Paradise RO2 CrescentMoon Crescent Moon
RO2 RollingCutter Rolling Cutter RO2 UnstableDoping Unstable Doping
RO2 DanceOfMoonlight Dance of Moonlight RO2 MarkOfDeath Mark of Death

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Rogues can move on to become Shadow Chasers or transcend to Stalker.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Thief Rogue Shadow Chaser Abyss Chaser Stalker

Ragnarok Online II[]

Rogues can be further customized through the Master Level System.


  • A rogue is a vagrant person who wanders from place to place. Like a drifter, a rogue is an independent person who rejects conventional rules of society in favor of following their own personal goals and values.[3].



  1. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  2. Project Revolution 2010 Aug. 17
  3. Wikipedia 2013 Mar.