Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Santa's Bag
The item's info window.
Type Consumable
Effects Dresses the character into a full-body Santa Suit for 10 minutes.
Weight 20
Source Event Only
Cost to buy --
Cost to sell 0 Zeny

A small, red bag that magically changes your clothes into a Santa Suit for 10 minutes.


  • Users cannot attack or use skills while wearing the Santa Suit.

Ragnarok Online II[]

In RO2, the Santa Suit is known as the Lady Santa and Gentle Santa for each gender.

See Also[]

External Links[]

Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online II (Male)

Ragnarok Online II (Female)


Ragnarok Online

  • Patch (2018 Mar. 28)
    • Corrected an issue with outfits not positioning correctly when using special equipment such as the Hanbok Bag or Cool Summer Outfit.

Ragnarok Online II
