Ragnarok Wiki
Schweicherbil Magic Academy
RO SchweicherbilMagicAcademy
The illustrious Sage academy.
Type School
Affiliation Schwarzwald
Base of Operations Juno
Notable Members Varmundt
First Appearance Episode 4 (Ragnarok Online)

Disciples of the Schweicherbil Magic Academy pride themselves on their knowledge on the sciences of magic. Their discoveries in the field of magic help us better understand the elements that support the world of magic. They regularly receive graduates from the Magic Academy in Geffen.

The academy is also responsible for founding the Monster Museum located right next to the main building.

Schweicherbil Magic Academy Library[]

RO SchweicherbilMagicAcademyLibrary

the front entrance of the library.

In addition to the main campus, the academy also possesses a substantially large library located on the far western side of Juno. The library houses a copy of the Book of Ymir. Metheus Sylphe, a member of the academy's staff, frequently manages the library as well as work as the receptionist at the academy.

Sage Students and Faculty[]
