Ragnarok Wiki
RO Shaloshi
Shaloshi's dialogue image.
Gender Female
Race Demon
Friends Ferre
First Appearance Episode 14 (Ragnarok Online)
Friends... Comrades... Rivals...
~ Shaloshi

Shaloshi is a mysterious young woman who appears in a space in the Dimensional Gap. She seems to be an amnesiac and doesn't have any idea how she got there. She follows members of the White Wings guild around the area in hopes of finding out who she is.

On iRO, this character is localized as Shalosh.


SPOILER WARNING: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Shaloshi suddenly appears before Aigu and Runane, scaring the High Priestess very much. Aigu manages to calm Runane down and the girl asks them how they got into the area. Aigu mentions that they wouldn't be there if it weren't for a certain someone and the girl mentions "the one who sings." Hearing that, Runane asks the girl if she knew Newoz and decides to get the girl out there. Aigu takes Shaloshi's hand and the girl notes that the Wanderer's hand is warm.

Shaloshi loses sight of Aigu and Runane and runs into the new guild recruit. The girl mentions that Aigu and Runane are good people, but they ask her questions that she can't answer. She asserts that she's not alone, but she can't remember anything from her past; not even her name. The recruits notes that the area is dangerous and that she should come with him/her.

Aigu, Arang, and the recruit manage to find Newoz, who complains that the area is like a maze with so many offshoots and clearing. He began to fill with dread as memories of Bifrost Tower came to him. Arang snorts, saying that he thought the same of Prontera Culverts, which was nothing compared to this. Aigu couldn't understand why it was so difficult for Newoz to follow them and notices that Runane is not with them anymore. Suddenly, Shaloshi points out Newoz as the "man with the singing voice" and introduces herself. Newoz thinks she's cute and promises to sing for her later. Suddenly, monsters start appearing around them and Aigu begins to worry. Arang assures her that they'll be okay as long as they stick together, until she notices that everyone else is gone. Newoz tells them not to worry as he'll protect them. Arang expresses her love for him, but Aigu notes that Newoz is more likely to run and suggests that they get a move on.

Shaloshi and Newoz encounter Mingmin and the recruit some time later. Mingmin asks Newoz who the girl is and wonders if she belongs to him. Newoz stutters at the question and asserts that he just met her. Mingmin is suspicious of Shaloshi being in such a strange place by herself. Shaloshi calls Mingmin strange in response, which upsets the Geneticist. Just then, monsters begin closing in on them and Mingmin vows to study the girl later.

Newoz, Shaloshi, and the recruit end up losing Mingmin but find Bragi instead. The Bard notes that they meet again and Newoz compliments him on his choice of words. He suddenly thinks of lyrics and begins to sing them out with Bragi filling some in. Newoz says he would make a great Clown, but Bragi prefers to remain a Bard for a while. Shaloshi comments that she loves the song they came up with and Newoz asks her what favorite song is. Shaloshi instead mentions that Runane can sing and whistle well and tries to whistle herself. Seeing her unable to do so, Newoz promises to teach her how to whistle later and asks the recruit what his/her favorite song is. After he/she answers, more monsters show up and Newoz begins to feel hungry. He takes Shaloshi's hand and runs off with her with Bragi chasing after to not get left behind again.

Unfortunately, Newoz, Shaloshi, and the recruit lose sight of Bragi and end up running into Runane and Roel who had just dispatched the monsters. Newoz acts disappointed that he missed out on fighting the monsters and Roel notes that they're cute, but ferocious. Shaloshi reiterates that the small friends that follow them are not cute. Runane emphasizes that they're monsters, not friends, and that they should be careful. Roel wonders if Shaloshi lost her memory since she doesn't seem to understand danger.

Newoz and the recruit eventually meet up with Mingmin again along with Aigu, Bragi, Roel, and Shaloshi. Shaloshi mentions that she suddenly remembers a few things and Newoz and Bragi initiate an inappropriate joke in response, earning them slaps from Mingmin and Aigu. After chastising them, Aigu asks Shaloshi to elaborate on what she remembers. The girl recalls hearing a voice in darkness that was low and ringing. She then heard Newoz singing while waiting for his friends and his voice warmed her. She didn't understand what friends were, but she wanted it. In doing so, Aigu and Runane showed up as if someone granted her wish. Newoz is curious that Shaloshi would remember darkness as the area they're in has always been brightly lit aside from the fog that separated them earlier. He theorizes there may be someone else in the area along with them.

Just then, the group encounters Roter, Gelka, Arang, and Runane being accosted by monsters. Newoz is worried for Arang and Shaloshi, but the Taekwon girl assures him that they're fine. Newoz mentions that his instincts told him to slow down due to danger ahead and Gelka mistaken it for the instincts of a great adventurer. Arang asserts that Newoz's instincts have gotten rusty and Roter adds that the Minstrel is just being lazy. Shaloshi points out her instincts tell her that Newoz is not strong and that he thinks everyone except Roter is mediocre. Mingmin concludes that Shaloshi's instincts are actually an ability to hear thoughts. Runane becomes upset and orders everyone to stop being disrespectful to Newoz. Roel intervenes and says that comrades should not be fighting each other. Runane scoffs at the statement, saying that they're all just a bunch of strangers trying to save a lost girl. Roel's heart is aflutter hearing Runane be angry.

While the recruit wanders off to find the others, Roel, Shaloshi, and Runane are accosted by monsters. When the recruit finds them, Shaloshi exclaims that the two of them are hurt. Runane argues that she's fine and chastises Roel for not being careful. The Royal Guard apologizes and promises to not disappoint her again. Shaloshi asserts that Runane isn't happy with Roel, but she treats him well. Runane counters that she's just babysitting Roel and nothing more. Suddenly, Shaloshi remembers that the Ferres appeared before she met Aigu and Runane. She goes on to explain that she calls the creatures Ferre because that was the sound they made. She says they're her friends and that they don't bite or hurt her. However, Roel points out that they're hurting them, her new friends. Runane emphasizes that Normans and monsters can't be friends and Shaloshi ponders on her words. Roel asks if he could be her friend and Runane affirms that they're already friends since they're about the same age.

Eventually, the guild was finally together again with the addition of Shaloshi. Melody-Jack notes that the area is falling apart around them and Shaloshi explains that the Ferres are angry. Mingmin is astonished that the girl can also hear the thoughts of monsters and Shaloshi asserts that they're her friends. Runane argues that friends wouldn't attack each other and Shaloshi goes on to explain that the Ferres are attacking the guild because they're trying to protect Shaloshi from Roter's thoughts. With that, they teleport her away.

Newoz manages to catch up to Shaloshi, but angers Ferre in doing so. Newoz tries to tell the Ferre that he's not there to take the girl away, but the monster becomes so furious that it transforms into its true form: a monstrous grand piano. Shaloshi tries to get Ferre to not attack Newoz, but her words fell on deaf ears. Newoz resigns himself to battling the creature and seeks aid from the new recruit who managed to find him. He proceeds to use Frost Joker, which not only succeeds in freezing the Ferre, but the recruit as well (to his/her dismay).

After managing to exhaust Ferre, Roter and the others catch up to them. Melody-Jack asserts that they need to get rid of Ferre quickly as the ground was shaking violently. Shaloshi opposes vehemently, revealing that Ferre created this space in the Dimensional Gap for her. If Ferre were to be destroyed or loses its mind, then the space will disappear along with everything inside. Mingmin points out that Shaloshi would be fine, though, which causes the girl to fall silent in response. Hearing this, Roter declares that he has plenty of time before the space collapses to get rid of Shaloshi if that's the case. Shaloshi suggests that if she takes Ferre with her to a different space in the Dimensional Gap, then exits will appear due to the rift loosening up. However, Melody-Jack remarks that Shaloshi is too dangerous to let go as she is smart and capable of teleportation. Saddened by the turn of events, Shaloshi admits that she shouldn't have led the guild into that space, but she really wanted some friends. Newoz assures her that she now has friends with the White Wings guild.

Upon hearing this, Shaloshi thanks Newoz and admits that she has been leading them on. She reintroduces herself as a demon mind-reader and the third agent of Surt. Although she is free from Surt's control, it doesn't change the fact that she's a demon. She tells them that she enjoyed their company and wonders if they'll be enemies the next time they meet. Newoz assures her that she is a member of his White Wings guild. Roter protests the declaration and refuses to accept a demon into the guild. Despite that, Shaloshi thanks Newoz for the invitation and asks to invite him over if she finds an interesting place. She explains that she has the ability to take people with her anywhere she goes and asserts that they wouldn't have followed her as far as they have unless she wanted it. Runane opposes Shaloshi taking away Newoz, but Shaloshi reveals that the High Priestess would like to come along as well. With that, Shaloshi bades the guild farewell and disappears into the Dimensional Gap with Ferre.[1]

Shaloshi travels to the past to when the Charleston Factory when it was still functioning. She summons Newoz via a letter and Aigu appears along with him. They meet both Charleston 1 and Charleston 2, having a short conversation with the latter. Sometime after talking to Charleston 2, the factory goes into Rank B security alert and Charleston 1 seeks her aid to resolve the factory issues. Shaloshi summons in familiar adventurers and Charleston 1 goes to meet them. Eventually, the adventurers meet up with Shaloshi and explain to her that Charleston 1 thinks that Shaloshi is responsible for breaking Charleston 2. Shaloshi is dismayed at the accusation, and asserts that all she did was have a brief conversation with Charleston 2 so she did nothing wrong. The adventurers go off to help fix the factory. When they next meet, Shaloshi helps teleport them back to their own time.[2]

Memorable Quotes[]

You're strange.
~ Shaloshi responding to Mingmin's description of her.
I'm Shaloshi, a demon mind-reader and third agent of Surt's... I'm free now, but that doesn't change what I am: a demon.
~ Shaloshi reveals who she really is.


