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Character Sorcerer
Sorcerer concept art for RO.
Job Tier 3rd Class (RO)
2nd Class (RO2)
Job Base Sage, Professor (RO)
Magician (RO2)
RO Job Bonuses
+4 +4 +6 +11 +9 +3
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Sorcerer are those that awakened by the powers inherited through ancient bloodlines or affinity with spirits.

Their affinity with nature helps them use the powers of nature freely, and summon spirits to aid them in battle or to heal their allies.[1] The Sorcerer is a Magician with the ability to summon an elemental, allowing the control of an element to attack targets by issuing commands such as "Attack Mode", "Defense Mode" or "Standby Mode" to prevent attacks, or to put a variety of buffs on friendlies in waiting mode. This has enabled the "Magician Classes" vulnerable to melee attacks to excel in melee combat, sometimes using physical attacks and occasionally magical attacks on both sides. "Spell Fist," "Killing Cloud," "Poison Burst," and "Strike" are used to strengthen the attack power of the weapon. Sorcerers also have a number of powerful skills, such as the Frozen Spell "Diamond Dust", which can be used to make a storm, a move worthy of an expert of magic.[2]


The Professors of Juno have long studied how to control the four elements of nature, but they eventually hit a seemingly insurmountable plateau. Normans were just not inherently powerful enough to fully wield the elements. They could bend the rules of nature, but were ultimately still governed by them.

Out of desperation, they sought knowledge from ancient magic books and secret records that described how new power could be lent to Normans from different entities. The professors became especially interested in communicating with the elemental fairies that were capable of fully wielding the power of the four elements. Several Professors started developing a new kind of communication system to interact with these fairies.

This system was finally developed after twenty years and many professors--especially those that reached the limits of existing magic research--raved about this groundbreaking system. When the first version of the Fairy Communication System was about to be released, over 300 Professors gathered to unveil its creation. When the first professor used the scientific communication system and made a contract with a Fire Fairy for the first time in the world, the academy world applauded him as the first Sorcerer. New Sorcerers soon appeared, one after another, forming an exclusive group of powerful magic practitioners.[3]

Job Change Quest[]

See Sorcerer Job Change

Notable Sorcerers[]


Thus far, only Normans have been known to be Sorcerers.


Character Sorcerer2

jRO redesign of Sorcerer.

Sorcerers can only equip gear designated for:

  • Magician Classes
  • Sorcerer Classes
  • 3rd Classes (RO only)
  • All Classes
  • 2nd Classes (RO2 only)
  • Cloth Armor (RO2 only)


Sorcerers can use the following weapons:


RO2 Sorcerer

Sorcerer concept art for RO2.

Ragnarok Online[]

Base Skills Summon Skills
RO Striking Striking RO ElementalAction Elemental Action
RO Warmer Warmer RO ElementAnalyze Element Analyze
RO Arrullo Arrullo RO ElementalControl Elemental Control
RO ExtremeVacuum Extreme Vacuum RO SpiritCure Spirit Cure
RO SpellFist Spell Fist RO SpiritSympathy Spirit Sympathy
RO PsychicWave Psychic Wave RO SummonIgnis Summon Ignis
RO DiamondDust Diamond Dust RO SummonAqua Summon Aqua
RO VaretyrSpear Varetyr Spear RO SummonTerra Summon Terra
RO EarthGrave Earth Grave RO SummonVentus Summon Ventus
RO KillingCloud Killing Cloud RO FireInsignia Fire Insignia
RO PoisonBurst Poison Burst RO WaterInsignia Water Insignia
RO ElectricWalk Electric Walk RO EarthInsignia Earth Insignia
RO ElementalShield Elemental Shield RO WindInsignia Wind Insignia
RO FullThrottle Full Throttle

Ragnarok Online II[]

Base Skills Master Skills
RO2 SealOfEarth Seal of Earth RO2 SummonAqua Summon Aqua RO2 ChildOfYmirNightmare Child of Ymir: Nightmare
RO2 SoulBind Soul Bind RO2 JupiterThunder Jupiter Thunder
RO2 HealingWave Healing Wave RO2 Rejuvenation Rejuvenation
RO2 JupiterThunderMastery Jupiter Thunder Mastery RO2 SoulCleanse Soul Cleanse
RO2 EarthShield Earth Shield RO2 Memorize Memorize
RO2 Meditation Meditation RO2 LandOfRecovery Land of Recovery
RO2 LordOfVermilion Lord of Vermilion RO2 Deluge Deluge
RO2 VaretyrSpear Varetyr Spear

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Sorcerers can move on to become a Elemental Masters.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Magician Sage Sorcerer Elemental Master Professor

Ragnarok Online II[]

Sorcerers can be further customized through the Master Level System.



  1. RO Guard 2013 Apr. 23
  2. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04
  3. iRO Website 2010 Oct. 07


Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online II
