Ragnarok Wiki
RO SoulReaperSymbol Soul Reaper
Character SoulReaper
Soul Reaper concept art for RO.
Job Tier 3rd Class
Job Base Soul Linker
RO Job Bonuses
3 7 5 11 11 0
RO2 Job Bonuses
none none none none none

Soul Reapers acquired great knowledge and energy from the dead.[1]

It was a soul linker with a lot of support system skills to strengthen the fellow, but it came to be able to manipulate the soul further by becoming a soul reaper, and it got a powerful attack means. When combined with the Taekwon skill "Warm Wind", you can respond to opponents of all attributes.


Character SoulReaper2

There was a Soul Linker who sought to gain deep knowledge of the soul. In order to gain more knowledge of the soul, she started to extend her research into Niflheim. She continued to study the soul there and learned about the unique energy of the soul called Soul Energy. Through her soul energies, she learned not only how to invoke souls, but also various ways to use the soul, such as depriving the soul from an opponent or connecting souls together. She called herself "Soul Reaper" and tried to return to Midgard to share her knowledge of the soul to other Soul Linkers.

However, after a long time in Niflheim, she became bound to the realm and was no longer able to return to Midgard. She spent years waiting for Soul Linkers to come to the afterworld to study their souls like she did.[2]

Job Change Quest[]

See Soul Reaper Job Change

Notable Soul Reapers[]

  • Nipple Heilm (The first Soul Reaper only cited)
  • Sungjae


Only Normans can become Soul Reapers.


Soul Reapers can only equip gear designated as:

  • All Classes except Novice
  • Taekwon Class
  • Soul Reaper Class
  • 3rd Class


Soul Reapers can use the following weapons:


RO SoulAccumulation Soul Accumulation RO SoulHarvest Soul Harvest RO Esha Esha
RO SoulFragmentation Soul Fragmentation RO DemonicSoulsCurse Demonic Soul's Curse RO Espa Espa
RO SoulExplosion Soul Explosion RO SoulEnergyResearch Soul Energy Research RO Eshu Eshu
RO SoulConnection Soul Connection RO SoulCirculation Soul Circulation RO Kaut Kaut
RO ShadowSpirit Shadow Spirit RO FairySpirit Fairy Spirit RO HawkSpirit Hawk Spirit
RO GolemSpirit Golem Spirit RO SpiritExplosion Spirit Explosion

Advanced Jobs[]

Soul Reapers are the highest job class in in this branch.

1st Class 2nd Class 3nd Class
Taekwon Soul Linker Soul Reaper
Star Gladiator Star Emperor



  1. kRO Website 2017 Nov. 20
  2. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04


  • Patch (2019 Aug. 21)
    • Fixed the issue where the Soul Reaper (male) character's head layer was awkward in certain situations.
  • Patch (2018 Jun. 20)
    • Implemented 3rd Class Extended Jobs "Star Emperor" and "Soul Reaper" and corresponding job change quests.
      • "Sungjae" is the main authority in charge of class recruitment. Talk to the man in a strange outfit in Payon (payon 171/171).
      • A group of "Soul Reapers" can be found at Payon East Field (pay_fild08 51/82). Meet with struggling crowds of Soul Linkers nearby.