Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Sunken Ship
Level 30 - 85
RO SunkenShip
The sunken pirate ship.
Race Norman
Affiliation Rune-Midgarts
Location Alberta
Technical Name(s) treasure01, treasure02

The Sunken Ship is a pirate ship that sank near Alberta Island to the north of the port. It may have possibly run aground and crashed into the island as a result.


When the sunken ship first drifted near Alberta, it was found by an Alberta Security Knight. The Knight ventured inside and found an infant deep inside one of the rooms. Next to the baby was a music box. The baby was the only survivor on the ship and so was brought up in Alberta. The child was treated with contempt as he grew up, but he became better in time.


Sourced from iRO Dungeon Maps

See Also[]

  • Cursed Ghost Ship

