Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki
Character Thief
Thief concept art for RO.
Job Tier 1st Class
Job Base Novice
RO Job Bonuses
+4 +4 +2 +1 +4 +3
RO2 Job Bonuses
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Thieves are quick and clever individuals whose ability to take what's not theirs is a specialty.


The Thief is hard to convey. Anyone who has stolen something in an area is called a Thief on the spot. And so the title for the first type of thieves was born. Abandoned as an orphan before being able to know the face of their parents, Thieves had always been poor in their backyard. So it was another opportunity for him (or her) when the announcement came for the recruitment of adventurers by Tristan III, Lord of Rune-Midgarts.

When more thieves came about, a leader rose who then formed the Thief Guild. In the act of thievery, killing and/or stealing from the poor and weak are unacceptable. If the guild rules are broken, the guildleader will judge the violator in an unimaginable way. Though Thieves may not have the strength for intense combat, they do range in dexterity and quick movements that can help in the battlefield. When you choose the path as a Thief, it is very hard to gain back the respect of the public, as civilized society is no more to you.[1] The physical strength of a Thief is low, so hard marches and fierce battles are impossible. However a Thief will dig into the hysterics and distract the enemy and avoid the enemy attacks.[2]

Job Change Quest[]

See Job Change to Thief

Notable Thieves[]


RO2 Thief

Thief concept art for RO2.

Thus far, only Normans are known to be Thieves.


Thieves are only able to equip gear that is designated as:

  • Thief Classes
  • 1st Classes
  • All Classes
  • Light Armor (RO2 only)


Thieves are able to use the following weapons:


Ragnarok Online[]

Tree Skills Quest Skills
RO DoubleAttack Double Attack RO SandAttack Sand Attack
RO ImproveDodge Improve Dodge RO BackSlide Back Slide
RO Steal Steal RO FindStone Find Stone
RO Hiding Hiding RO StoneFling Stone Fling
RO Envenom Envenom
RO Detoxify Detoxify

Ragnarok Online II[]

RO2 DoubleAttack Double Attack RO2 DeadlyBlow Deadly Blow
RO2 Hiding Hiding RO2 ComboTraining Combo Training
RO2 DarkIllusion Dark Illusion RO2 DaggerThrow Dagger Throw
RO2 MarkOfGenocide Mark of Genocide RO2 PoisoningWeapon Poisoning Weapon
RO2 CrossImpact Cross Impact RO2 MeteorAssault Meteor Assault

Ragnarok DS[]

DS DoubleAttack Double Attack DS IncreaseEvasion Increase Evasion
DS Steal Steal DS Stealth Stealth
DS Envenom Envenom DS Detoxify Detoxify
DS SandAttack Sand Attack

Advanced Jobs[]

Ragnarok Online[]

Thieves can move on to become either an Assassin or a Rogue.

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Transcendant
Thief Assassin Guillotine Cross Shadow Cross Assassin Cross
Rogue Shadow Chaser Abyss Chaser Stalker

Ragnarok Online II[]

Thieves can move on to become either an Assassin or a Rogue.

1st Class Transcendant
Thief Assasin


1st Class Dances in RO2.


  1. Project Revolution 2010 Aug. 17
  2. Official kRO Website 2019 Apr. 04