that no longer exists. It is kept for archival purposes only.

Thief concept art for RO2: The Gate of the World.
Thieves deny the idea of ownership, preferring to live freely and follow providence. That disregard for others' property has always made them criminals, but in recent times Thieves have also been recognized as a profession unto themselves given the sort of skills in which they have expertise. As adventurers, Thieves are flexible—they gather information, disrupt foes, and use sleight-of-hand in combat. Thieves can either be benevolent or murderous—which kind you'll be is up to you.[1]
Normans are the only race that can become Thieves.
Thieves can only use armor designated as:
- Thief Only
- All Job Classes
Thieves are only able to use the following weapons:
- ↑ kRO2 GOTW Website 2017 Oct. 26