Ragnarok Wiki
Ragnarok Wiki

Why do I have the feeling I'm going to get a bunch of Marvel fans wandering around here with this weblog title? <<


Continuing on from my previous thoughts about GRAVITY's plans for RO, I see GRAVITY has decided to flex their muscles and implemented another region block. Having forced the Europe region players to play on the euRO servers, GRAVITY now sees fit to start restricting players in the Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong areas to play on their twRO servers. It seems a lot of global players are frustrated with GRAVITY wanting to focus more on their Revo-Classic and RO: Zero versions of Ragnarok Online rather than the Renewal version that most every veteran RO player has invested a substantial amount of their very life and income into. It's rather obvious by now that GRAVITY seeks to eliminate the Renewal servers in an effort to start over fresh. This would also mean that they recognize that they dropped the ball when it came to maintaining quality control over global RO.

So the developers want to start over fresh, but the existing RO playerbase wishes for them to clean up the mess left behind by their predecessors. And what a mess they've left behind, indeed; little to no documentation of which official RO has which updates, plus super inflated economies inflicted by more than a decade of botting and real money trades. I don't blame them for feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work necessary to fix and clean up Renewal RO.

We RO players may want to see RO succeed, but it simply can't in its current Renewal state, no matter how much we want it to. Yes, it sucks that RO's success may have to come at the cost of everything we've worked hard for. I myself have Ragnarok DS items and other exclusives that I may stand to lose if things continue as they do. If GRAVITY believes that the future of the game lies with RO: Zero (which is slated to be released in Vietnam soon), then we have no choice but to deal with it or move on from RO entirely. Which I anticipate many players planning to do if GRAVITY indeed decides to wipe out Renewal RO.

As for me? I'm not sure myself. I have a lot of personal projects I'm planning to get started this year, so I don't know what the future lies for me in regards to the Ragnarok franchise. Maybe I'll stick around to continue updating the wiki and such, maybe I won't.

Would it be that great of a loss?


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