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Ragnarok Wiki

Been keeping up with news on the game Anthem and so much of it echoes the current situation with Ragnarok Online.

This practice of holding back content in favor of baiting whales in the RO community has been a long issue of contention with GRAVITY, although it has been becoming more obvious since players discovered that we were falling behind in updates since at least 2010. Although some efforts by the iRO CMs were made to get caught up in updates, all that dissipated back in 2016 when iRO started introducing jRO-created gears in Kafra Shop loot boxes. We went from getting maybe a handful of old updates a year to, if we're lucky, 2 or 3 updates a year.

This is not lost on us veterans, as I myself have been among many who pointed out what has become nothing more than empty promises after empty promises.

In 2017, it was announced that they had planned for us getting 5 updates with fixes for some pending issues.

Out of everything on that list, we got 3 items and the rest just didn't happen.

Now here we are in 2018 and again we're likely getting just 3 items off the list with the rest simply not happening.

Knowing that we are now about 100 updates behind the developers and only getting 3 updates a year (maybe 5 if they sneak in ninja updates), you're asking a lot of the community for us to wait... *calculates* 20 YEARS to get caught up in updates. Between 2013 (when the original updates thread was compiled) until late 2016, we were getting a decent rate of updates getting delivered (about 50 updates within those 3.5 years). But suddenly around the time that OCPs were introduced to iRO, the stream of updates slowed to a snail's crawl and I find that extremely worrying. It cannot be a coincidence, there's gotta be something going on behind the scenes, especially when they delivered the defense bypass cap so quickly. How can you expect us to remain optimistic about investing our time and money into iRO with everything that's happened lately?

Source: WarpPortal Forums

With Europe and Taiwan region players blocked from accessing iRO servers, it's really up to those of us who are left to make it clear that we will not continue to pay for an outdated version of a game that should be up to par to current MMORPGs on the market if they seriously hope to compete. But unfortunately, it seems the whales of the community continue to throw money at a game that is seriously showing signs of rot from how severely outdated it is compared to the developers' servers in Korea. No matter how hard we try to save iRO, it just seems that it's destined to be doomed to bleed out. Perhaps my previous blog predicting a server closure may actually come to be judging, from the poor state of things on iRO.


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